Sub Forums:
- Getting better at proportions (2 Replies)
- Can't figure out how to improve (12 Replies)
- A question about references and copyright (7 Replies)
- How did you find the Crimson Daggers community/forums? (1 Reply)
- What happened to (4 Replies)
- Asking about new intuos pro pth 660 (8 Replies)
- Nice online communities to get involved with art? (3 Replies)
- How important is life drawing? (2 Replies)
- How to seriously improve drawing/painting from imagination? (2 Replies)
- Embarassing beginnings (8 Replies)
- Drawing With Your Thumb On A Mobile Phone (12 Replies)
- Getting back into it (6 Replies)
- How to Draw grass tradionally using graphite pencil or ink. (0 Replies)
- art & critique friends/networking (0 Replies)
- Concept art school in Seattle Area (1 Reply)
- What exercise you can do to get better at drawing texture? (3 Replies)
- Developing a slick illustration workflow (10 Replies)
- Is it possible to make yourself enjoy art? (12 Replies)
- What skills and knowledge are most important in concept art? What to learn first? (1 Reply)
- Freelancing vs studio work (4 Replies)
- [UK] Art school: is it worth it? (6 Replies)
- Study Schedules (68 Replies)
- Value Control (5 Replies)
- Your opinions on Art schools (15 Replies)
- Stuttering in Clip Studio Paint (2 Replies)
- What happened to red engine? (1 Reply)
- What are your favorite pens to draw with? (12 Replies)
- Favourite books/tutorials on Design? (1 Reply)
- Cynthia Sheppard Lecture Notes (2 Replies)
- Gesture drawings (2 Replies)