My brother and I created this random character generator a while back, just never uploaded it. Thought it might be cool for people who want something to do in-between bloodsports or for people who want to try something new and out of their comfort zones.
What is the Character Generator? Basically, it's just a list of different values that make up a character. When you click "Randomize Everything" all the values in each category gets randomly selected to create a character. Also, the question mark button on the side of each value randomly generates only for that value when you click it. Play around with it and see what this character generator can do.
Step 1: Click "Randomize Everything!"
Step 2: Find a character that's interesting
Step 3: Use your imagination and visualize the character before you start drawing
Step 4: Click "Save Character" to copy the text
Step 5: Grab any needed reference
Step 6: Draw/Paint it and don't worry about getting 100% of all the details
Step 7: Post it in here
haha this is Awesome man!
i get a kind of funny character i think lol!
let me know if i did it right XD
Just a quick one! Only dirty lines :( wanted to try out the character generator for myself.
You can find the character details for this character
Character design is not my area of expertise, but I want to get better at it, so I thought I give it a try.
Half done, but wanted to post it anyway since I have some other stuff to do and i don't know whan I'll return to finish this one.
Character Name- Ivory Gasnier
Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Charming Hero
Role- Law Enforcer Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Libra/Wind
Powers- None
Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Square Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- None
Hair Length- Very Short
Eyebrow Shape- Flat
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Hazel
Ear Shape- Medium
Nose Shape- Greek Nose
Lip Shape- Thin
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- 5 O'clock Shadow
Clothing Era- Futuristic Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Armor Type
Hair- None
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None
Weaponry- Slicing Type
Character Name- Letitia Muro
Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Vulgar Hero
Role- Royalty Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Cancer/Water
Powers- Absorption/Vampire Type
Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Tall/8ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Rectangle Type
Hair Color- Red Variation
Hair Style- Curly Type
Hair Length- Short
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Oriental Eyes
Eye Color- Green
Ear Shape- Pointy
Nose Shape- Greek Nose
Lip Shape- Very Fleshed
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None
Clothing Era- Traditional Japanese Fashion Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type
Hair- Feather
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- Strap
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None
Weaponry- Punching Type
Character Name- Ellen Johnson
Character Archetype:Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Manipulative Villain
Role- Corrupt Religious Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Virgo/Earth
Powers- Shape Shifterz Type
Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Tall/8ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Round Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Curly Type
Hair Length- Long
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Oriental Eyes
Eye Color- White
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Greek Nose
Lip Shape- Very Fleshed
Skin Variants- Freckles
Facial Hair- None
Clothing Era- Gothic Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type
Hair- None
Head- Earcuffs
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- Hand Jewelry
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None
Weaponry- Punching Type
this was fun!:D
Hi guys, first post here. Got addicted to this character generator! Nice one, Dennis Kutsenko
Will try to give a sci-fi whirl to some of the next ones I'll be doing.
Did warmup sketches and a long one so I sorted them on time spent. Should I add attachments or just insert the images on these forums?
Gloria Hinton (20min)
Damien Smets (20min)
Annette de Pauw(20mins)
Paulette Raynal(3h)
Julie Durant(~10hrs)
deleted earlier post so that I could update. I really love all this stuff. Cant thank you enough Dennis.
Char Sheet
I didnt save the character sheet, But I got a Time Traveling assasin type character. Roughly one week in.
First time trying this out... what fun! These are sketch swaps that Eric Robertson and I did in an hour each. After 30 mins, we swapped and spent 30 more finishing.
This was great fun, thank you Dennis :) and thanks Anthis for the link :). Tried my hand at a couple, I lost the descriptions but they're sort of written on, briefly...
Awesome stuff, got me all inspired, so i did a character last night :p
Character Name- Zane Tagwerker
Character Archetype:
Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Enigmatic Villain
Role- Assasin Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Pisces/Water
Powers- None
Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Tall/8ft+
Skin Tone- Very Dark/80%-90%
Face Type- Oval Type
Hair Color- Blond Variation
Hair Style- Straight Type
Hair Length- Short
Eyebrow Shape- Arched
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Gray
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Turned up Nose
Lip Shape- Very Thin
Skin Variants- Scratch
Facial Hair- None
Clothing Era- Barbarian Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Loose Garment Type
Hair- None
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- Rings
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- Tattoo
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None
Weaponry- Slicing Type
Character Name- Faian the Weretiger
Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Charming Hero
Role- Assasin Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Leo/Fire
Powers- Shape Shifter Type
Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light Moderate/60%-70%
Face Type- Heart Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Straight Type
Hair Length- Short
Eyebrow Shape- Curved
Eye Shape- Oriental Eyes
Eye Color- Green
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Nubian Nose
Lip Shape- Very Thin
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None
Clothing Era- Punk/Rocker Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Loose Garment Type
Hair- None
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None
Weaponry- Slicing Type