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Full Version: Are you maybe willing to mentor?
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Hey everybody,

I don't know if that is the way to do it, but why not adding a section where we are asking politely if certain people would be willing to mentor?

I am sure there are people who have a lot to teach, but don't know that there are users who would love to be mentored exactly by them.

This should of course not be in a demanding way, and nobody should be pissed if the person that was asked to mentor doesn't say "yes". It should be an encouraging way to say: "hey, you are awesome, would you share some wisdom with me?" and thus bring some people out of their shells. In a good way.

This could increase the offers of people willing to mentor, since they already know they are wanted. And teaching is a great way of solidifying one's own knowledge and is a learning-opportunity not only for the students.

So what do you think about that?

Thats an awesome idea!I bet theres a lot of potential mentors and even more people who needs a little help(like me).Its all about sharing!

Milan =)
Maybe we should just post in this thread of who we would like to see mentor, instead of having a whole other section.
Don't forget to approach the person directly first , they might not want it announced on the boards or to feel pressure over it.

They might have lots of work on themselves. :}
yea, what laura said. contact them privately with a message or on skype. asking them publicly puts undue pressure on them to say yes, even if they dont have the time.

dont take advantage of peoples good will to come through for others!

(i know that wasnt the intention)

okay, that really sounds better.
thanks for your opinions everybody :)


Yes, you are right. We should add a section.


I am over the moon with how this turned out.