Crimson Daggers — Art forum

Full Version: The end of the livestreamstatuslist page
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Twitch somehow changed their API. My Livestream App that checked for live streams of artists does not work on Twitch anymore.
At the moment i have no time and motivation to fix that.
I was contemplating about shutting the page down for some time now as modern pages like youtube or twitch have own information mechanisms to tell you if a stream is online or not.
I officially stop the livestreamstatuslist page.
Thanks for all you who streamed and still stream, who lurk in chats and comments, on all the nice comments about my page.
Was a wonderful time - we meet in the streams!
Thanks for bringing up the livestream app wolken. Appreciate what you have done for the past till now.
Best little app ever. Thanks for maintaining it for such a long time! :)
Time to take ol' Yeller out behind the barn.. it will be missed.


Thanks for maintaining it for such a long time!