Hey Ste! Good work as usual.
Are these personal pieces? They look really good, especially the lighting and textures :) Keep pushing it!
Cheers Alex, yeah the last few things on here are personal work.
Small update on this before I add it to the pile of unfinished stuff.
Badass stuff bro! Maybe try some color and maybe try to kind of get away for a bit of your portrait comfort zone :)
More of the same, still trying to understand form and lighting. Lot's of stuff still to fix on this.
love these creature heads, looking forward to seeing more!
Cheers Ryan...
Think this is done, sick of looking at it.
Cool stuff man.
You're handling the form pretty darn nicely I have to say. Your studies look really great and your personal stuff too, you could of course do more figures because you're doing a lot of portraits. Not to say that the portraits aren't awesome because they are, but just to get the feel for whole character and pose also. :)
Anyway keep it up man, looking fierce!
Sweet stuff. Love the way you handle forms and texture. You could work a bit on your color. I find your colored work a little dull. Awesome work overall!
Lots of good stuff in here Ste! Just gotta work on the personal stuff some more
Man, your low contrast values reminds me of old oil paintings.
And that textured noise, mby cose of that, nevertheless beautifull creepers .D