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Nowio pretends to can draw - Printable Version

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RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 06-10-2016

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Artloader - 06-13-2016

Was this from imagination? If so her head looks nicely constructed. I also like the reflected green light under her chin. Maybe this needs a little more contrast though?

When are you gonna do some more lines and boxes :)? I love 'em! I think I might give those a go myself!

Keep going mate!

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 01-29-2017

Okay, gonna start posting here again. 
Hey guys new and old! <3

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 02-02-2017

Sooo I thought to do a daily MtG study for February!

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 02-03-2017

Aaaand day 2...
just a few more and I get actual free time to put more that 1-2 hours into these x.X

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 02-04-2017

new day new card new study haha :D

once i finish my current commissions i will be able to spend more time on studies and those thingies

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Axrel - 02-05-2017

Cool! These are looking pretty good :) Do you want to work for Wizards of the Coast as well? :D Maybe I should do some MTG studies too- seems like good practice!

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Nowio - 02-12-2020

Hello all! Anyone still alive here? <3

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - darktiste - 02-12-2020

I am alive and i am so pump to see card art it where i think most of my love for art came from.If i can give you an advise is to often zoom out to be sure it work in a smaller format.If you can work without zooming and get good at it you save time by implying detail rather than spending alot of time doing detail that don't read on a small scale.One otherway you can also work is by opening the navigator window to show the full work without having to zoom out constently.

RE: Nowio pretends to can draw - Fedodika - 02-12-2020
