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The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - Printable Version

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RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 06-28-2014

(06-27-2014, 01:54 PM)meat Wrote: Good master studies and analysis there... how are you plein air-ing clouds digitally? Are you using a Companion?

Thank´s, i went outside with my macbook, with all the wires and stuff. i tried the same with the ipad but is very difficult for me to work with it. A companion would be the right tool for plein air-ing.

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-01-2014

All right!! i have another pocket sketchbook, this one is made of stone, yep stone paper, and water resistant!!, it feels very soft and i like it, specially thinking in all those trees.
But there´s a few things i´ve been doing lately, hope good things are coming, (finally).
Here´s some comic pages about mobbing for a magazine, some gestures and old masters composition analysis. hope you like it.

[Image: 2014_06_30_22_58_07.jpg][Image: sketchbook30062014.jpg]
[Image: acoso.jpg][Image: acoso2.jpg]
[Image: acoso3.jpg][Image: dgesture200614.jpg][Image: dgesture240614.jpg][Image: dgestures300614.jpg][Image: Go_T_23.jpg][Image: Go_T_24.jpg][Image: hampton2_7_3.jpg][Image: hampton2_7_5.jpg][Image: hampton2_7_6.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-08-2014

[Image: 1hrfigure070714.jpg]
[Image: 08052014gestures.jpg][Image: dgestures020714.jpg][Image: dgestures040714.jpg][Image: dgestures070714.jpg][Image: sketchbook060714.jpg][Image: sketchbook070714.jpg]
[Image: sketchbook060714_2.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - iCi - 07-08-2014

gesture drawings are lookin hot, i'm diggin the master studies as well ! As for he painting you might wanna reference some of the impressionists' work for a wider range of hues - you'll be amazed I promise ;)

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-10-2014

(07-08-2014, 08:22 PM)iCi Wrote: gesture drawings are lookin hot, i'm diggin the master studies as well ! As for he painting you might wanna reference some of the impressionists' work for a wider range of hues - you'll be amazed I promise ;)

Shure i will, colors are my nemesis!!
good advice and great sketchbook too, very inspiring work that you have!!

[Image: 1hrfigure080714.jpg][Image: 1hrfigure090714.jpg][Image: dgestures080714.jpg][Image: dgestures090714.jpg][Image: hampton2_7_8.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-14-2014

[Image: 1hrfigure100714.jpg][Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2014_07_13_a_las_02_41_36_2.png][Image: dgestures100714.jpg][Image: dgestures110714.jpg][Image: sketchbook090714.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-16-2014

A couple of photo studies, some gestures quick sketches trying to think mainly in composition (15min. each) and last another quick comfort zone sketch this one of 20 min.
[Image: 1hrfigure140714.jpg][Image: 1hrfigure150714.jpg][Image: dgestures140714.jpg][Image: dgestures150714.jpg][Image: hampton2_8_1.jpg][Image: hampton2_8_5.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-25-2014

All Right!! i promise i´ll draw other than cute girls

[Image: 1hrfigure160714.jpg][Image: 1hrfigure170714.jpg][Image: dgestures170714.jpg][Image: dgestures220714.jpg][Image: dgestures240714.jpg][Image: Go_TFANART2_copy.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 07-28-2014

Here, some pages of my sketchbook i usually draw people on the bus, street, coffe shop, etc,.
also doodles from imagination.

[Image: sketchbook250714.jpg]
[Image: sketchbook240714.jpg][Image: sketchbook230714.jpg][Image: sketchbook220714.jpg][Image: sketchbook210714.jpg][Image: sketchbook200714.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - DK - 07-29-2014

Nothin wrong with cute girls ;0. Just make sure you know what you're trying to get out of them, value/gesture/anatomy, which you may already be doing. Either way they're lookin rather nice for how quick it seems you're doin them. Keep it up man, great progress in here.

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-05-2014

[Image: Go_T_25.jpg][Image: Go_T_26.jpg][Image: Go_T_27.jpg][Image: Go_T_28.jpg][Image: Go_T_29.jpg][Image: sketchbook01082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook02082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook03082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook04082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook05082014.jpg][Image: dgestures020814.jpg][Image: 1hrstudy04082014.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-12-2014

Here some of the studies i´ve been doin, some gestures, male and female figures under 1 hr, 1 squick sketch from iagination and also fabric.

[Image: 1hrstudy05082014.jpg][Image: dgestures06082014.jpg][Image: dgestures11082014.jpg][Image: SFsketches.jpg]

[Image: 1hrstudy11082014.jpg][Image: fabric01.jpg][Image: sketch05082014.jpg][Image: dgestures07082014.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-18-2014

Gestures!! and some pages froma my pocket sketchbook and the last is a sketch for a personal proyect.

[Image: dgesture12082014.jpg][Image: dgestures05082014.jpg][Image: dgestures13ago2014.jpg][Image: dgestures14082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook10082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook11082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook12082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook13082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook14082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook15082014.jpg][Image: sketchbook16082914.jpg][Image: leyendas01.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-21-2014

Well, those are the studies i was able to do this week between works and stuffs.
Critics always are useful. so if you see something odd or something in wich i can improve please let me know. This is my only contact with other artist an my only way to realize what need more work. So, thanks for watching and good drawing.

[Image: 1hrfigure18082014.jpg][Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2014_08_20_a_las_17_53_02_2.png][Image: SGfanart2.jpg][Image: 1hrstudy19082014.jpg][Image: dgesture19082014.jpg][Image: dgestures18082014.jpg][Image: fabric02.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-24-2014

I don´t lnow why postimage delete some of my images, but here they are again. Ando also some yesterday studies and practice.

[Image: 1hrstudy19082014.jpg][Image: dgesture19082014.jpg][Image: dgestures18082014.jpg][Image: fabric02.jpg][Image: color01.jpg][Image: dgesture21082014.jpg][Image: landscape01.jpg]
[Image: fabric03.jpg][Image: leyendas01_2_low.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 08-27-2014

Some studies and a sketch

[Image: 1hrfigure.jpg][Image: 1hrfigure25082014.jpg][Image: hands01.jpg][Image: portrait01.jpg][Image: sketch_fgnf.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 09-02-2014

Here are some sketches after seeing jamas tutorial, some other studies trying to get the volume and shapes correct and then my cammy illustration with details.
[Image: sketches01092014.jpg]
[Image: 1hrfigure01092014.jpg][Image: 1hrstudy27082014.jpg][Image: SF05_3.jpg][Image: SF05_3_high_1.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 09-06-2014

First study was under 1hr focusing on volume, shapes, values, etc, now i know i have to work with sharper edges in focal points and do not leave everything blurry.
then some timed gestures and some head construction studies from imagination and the skulls where 5-10 min each from life with natural life, hopefully it helps me understand the proportions and volume of the head.

[Image: 1hrfigure02092014.jpg][Image: dgestures03092014.jpg][Image: dsketcheshead.jpg][Image: headstudies.jpg][Image: Untitled_1.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - MarcRosete - 09-13-2014

Some stuff i´ve been doing lately.
Studies, gestures, storyboards, etc.
[Image: dgesture11092014.jpg][Image: dgesture11092014.jpg][Image: keyframes01.jpg][Image: dgesture12092014.jpg][Image: dgestures06092014.jpg][Image: eyestudy.jpg][Image: keyframes02.jpg][Image: keyframes03.jpg][Image: militiastudy.jpg]

RE: The Marc´s Sketchbook and the HOURGLASS count - meat - 09-13-2014

Inspiring seeing all these updates! I rather feel like I shouldn't update those meager figure studies unless I have as much as you do. Great work man! I'm going back to draw more now...