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whatsup Daggers! - Reed - 01-24-2013

Hi there, my name is Jo Habbel from Germany and i stumbled upon the daggers in 2012 but all the awesome artworks here kinda frightens me too much to join.
So in 2013 i want to bite the bullet an jump right into the action!
I´m 22 years old and a student of fine-arts and communicational-designs somwhere near cologne. I really want to push my art skills to the next level, so this is the best place to start i guess! I work every day to reach this goal, even if i have to sacrifice nearly all my free time for this

greetings to all of you, keep up you awesome work that inspires me so much!!


RE: whatsup Daggers! - DomSinkevic - 01-24-2013

Hello Jo, I'm glad you overcame your "fright" and joined the forums! Will be waiting to see cool stuff from you!

RE: whatsup Daggers! - Chiritsu - 01-24-2013

Sacrifice all the time! And welcome :D If you feel intimidated by the boards then maybe I should be petrified. Everyone I've met so far on these boards are really nice and helpful so I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine :D

RE: whatsup Daggers! - oddifier - 01-24-2013

(01-24-2013, 06:12 AM)Reed Wrote: Hi there, my name is Jo Habbel from Germany and i stumbled upon the daggers in 2012 but all the awesome artworks here kinda frightens me too much to join.
So in 2013 i want to bite the bullet an jump right into the action!
I´m 22 years old and a student of fine-arts and communicational-designs somwhere near cologne. I really want to push my art skills to the next level, so this is the best place to start i guess! I work every day to reach this goal, even if i have to sacrifice nearly all my free time for this

greetings to all of you, keep up you awesome work that inspires me so much!!


Welcome man I'm sure you'll love it here, ah that's what free time is for! [Doing what you love]
I only joined a few days ago and it's been a fantastic experience so far. :)

RE: whatsup Daggers! - EduardoGaray - 01-25-2013

welcome Reed, this community is so friendly, dont wait more and make sure to start a sketchbook :)