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Am I Late to the Party? - Printable Version

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Am I Late to the Party? - arvalis - 01-25-2013

Well hey everybody. My name is RJ Palmer and I am a freelance concept artist and illustrator living in San Francisco. I've been feeling my level of improvement has been stagnating. As soon as you start receiving comments like "amazing as usual", I feel like its time to start focusing on changing up your level. I just outlined a plan for myself to really try and do studies with much greater regularity as opposed to whenever I might be in the mood or avoiding a job I don't want to work on.

Long story short, I'll try to update here regularly. Nice to meet you guys. You can check out my work here: my deviantART account and my tumblr . There is even a page on my tumblr just for my studies here

RE: Am I Late to the Party? - Sickbrush - 01-25-2013


welcome aboard mate ; )

RE: Am I Late to the Party? - EduardoGaray - 01-25-2013

i remember your pokemon stuff from deviantart (and it was amazing indeed) but its nice to keep improving. Welcome!

RE: Am I Late to the Party? - Reed - 01-26-2013

Wow, the master of photorealistic pokemon! Nice to meet you, your work is really awesome!

RE: Am I Late to the Party? - silverkeeper - 01-26-2013

i had seen your work before, really awesome!! :)