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Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - Printable Version

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Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - Natalie_Becker - 01-28-2012

Here it is guys, my design for Gorilla Guardians. :)

[Image: Bloodpsport4_SHUJAA.jpg]

[Image: Bloodpsport4_SHUJAA_no_text.jpg]

and the studies

[Image: Bloodsport4_compiled_studies.jpg]

- Natalie

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - Forrestimel - 01-28-2012

I love this design so much :)

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - alexnegrea - 01-28-2012

interesting concept:)

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - James Zapata - 01-28-2012

Wow, that is a really unique idea. I love it!

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - Natalie_Becker - 01-28-2012

Thanks guys! :D Can't wait to start the next challenge. It's going to be awesome.

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - unsilentwill - 01-28-2012

Nailed it. Kind of curious who the other Guardians would be, but everything looks so great.

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - rich4rt - 01-28-2012

cool design, his powers remind me of the Visionaries 80's cartoon -

RE: Bloodsport 4 - Natalie Becker's Submission - Lee - 01-29-2012

great concept!