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Hey guys and gals! - Printable Version

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Hey guys and gals! - nickzornart - 08-14-2013

Hi everybody, I'm Nick, currently in Denver CO, but looking to relocate to San Francisco pretty soon here. I'm trying to boost my skills as a painter so that I can get into the freelance biz.

RE: Hey guys and gals! - khfr - 08-15-2013

Hi nickzornart. The top illustration is super sweet. Keep posting!

RE: Hey guys and gals! - nickzornart - 08-20-2013

Thanks khfr, it's good to be here! You should see the middle one in action, it's one of a few dynamic themes that I did for Leviathan Games. Here's the link:

Here are a couple more that I did for those guys:

Atomic Age Martini Man

Amphibian Delight

Atomic Age Robot

RE: Hey guys and gals! - missimoinsane - 08-20-2013

Hello and welcome to Daggers

Your art is amazing and I really look forward to seeing more from you!! Do you have a sketchbook here? Do you have a deviantART?

I hope you enjoy your stay here. I've only been here a few short days but my improvements have come on leaps and bounds thanx to these wonderful people :)
