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Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - Printable Version

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Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - DaveK - 02-02-2012

Hi guys, I found out some cool resources specific to Bloodsports #5 I thought might help everyone out, so I'm sharing my findings with you :D. If you're struggling with the environments for your entries, check out the Wikipedia pages for the films. Some of them do clearly say what specific locations inspired the environment designs for the films, and in some cases, the real-life environments look just like what you see in the movies.

For example, Princess Mononoke's environments were heavily inspired by Yakushima and Shirakami in Japan

If you do a Google image search, you'll find a bunch of cool photos like this if you want to do some environment studies in preparation for the challenge, like this -

Another example - Miyazaki has noted that the real town of Visby in Gotland, Sweden is the main visual inspiration for the city of Koriko in Kiki's Delivery Service. So if you happen to be doing that movie, you might want to google photos of Visby.

And if you're doing Porco Rosso, Miyazaki based his scenery image on Rijeka, former Fiume, in Croatia, even though the characters are mostly Italian. Also, the Porco Rosso Wikipedia page has some interesting details on the aircraft which are featured in the film, in case you are doing a dogfighting composition and need to look up reference of planes.

Some of the other ones you can find out in a roundabout way, if the Wikipedia pages for the films don't explicitly say what locations inspired the environments. Howl's Moving Castle was actually an adaptation of a book by the same name, written by British writer Diana Wynne Jones. Most of the fictionalized locations are based on small towns in England, and Howl is Welsh (Wales, is a country most other characters in the book have never heard of, which is ironic because it's one of the few places in the book which appear in the real world).

So for that, you might want to look up photos of the English countryside, etc. I Googled "Kingsbury" (one of the other locations in the book) and found a bunch of photos of lake-side locations which are very reminiscent of some of the scenes in the film.

I hope this helps, and good luck to you all on the Bloodsports challenge! :)
Also, if you'd like to check out some good quality pics of environments in film stills from the various Miyazaki movies for ideas for foliage and the like, this page here has some good reference that might help :)

RE: Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - Zesiul - 02-02-2012

Thats nice of you to lend the help. Thanks!

RE: Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - Benjah - 02-02-2012

THANKS!!!!! dude awesome info!

RE: Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - joerdenleigh - 02-07-2012

noice ty sir! I like seeing the original reference!

RE: Bloodsports #5 environment references for you guys - Laura_H - 02-08-2012

If you're after nice quaint towns near to Wales, then have a google for:

Shrewsbury, Shropshire (my hometown) which is surrounded by hills and 5 miles from the border of Wales

Have fun! :)