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The Art Journey - Printable Version

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The Art Journey - PlasticFrogCG - 09-09-2013

I'll try to avoid writing a book here...but I like being wordy sometimes :D

I'm Josh, but I'll answer to Plastic Frog online as well.
I was working as a graphic Designer in Virginia for about four and a half years, but it really wasn't been going where I wanted it to. The computer animation degree I have has been used mainly as a hobby at home, but I want to do more. I love visual storytelling and have a strong desire to see my work improve, so I came here.

Most all my artwork can be seen on Deviant Art because I haven't created a decent website (ironic considering my profession). Now I'll admit, it's mostly furries. So help me, I like them even if I consider myself on the fringes of that fandom and nowhere near it's murky center. But you can also find some fan art, sculpting, props and environments.

But that's why I'm here. I don't think I really know where I stand as an artist yet. I can do anything I need to but I need help, or at least an assessment. I want to surround myself with friends who will both objectively critique my work, give suggestions on where they would like to see it go and sometimes sit back and say "ok, that is freaking COOL!"

In short I'm looking for friends and mentors and maybe even assistants for projects I've been trying to get done for a long time.

P.S. I'm also not very good with forums. Sometimes I forget to check them or I'm busy or I just plain don't feel like looking. Sorry about that. Really, Socially Awkward Penguin should be my mascot!