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Hallo, CD! - Printable Version

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Hallo, CD! - justjingles - 01-09-2014

Hello, I'm new here. You can call me Jingles (or Al if you want to use my real name). I'm here to do partner exercises with my friend Marla. Yay! I will probably make a sketchbook thread in which I will post my speedpaints and other scrappy exercises and things. I am really enjoying looking through the forum so far, it seems like you all are a great group of people.

Since art is the focus, here is an art map thing I did of my favorite personal work from last year:

[Image: 2013__summary_of_art_by_justjingles-d70k7j1.jpg]

I just picked out some of my favorites from each month this past year. 2013 was pretty prolific. I figure for an art forum that is an ok introduction?

I hope to make some good buddies here and share my progress for 2014 and get feedback. I am happy to redline & critique for anybody who wants it, just let me know if you want my feedback on something you're working on and I will try to help.

So, hi!

RE: Hallo, CD! - Peppermint Butler - 01-09-2014

hey welcome, although I'm new too lol. great art you got there :)

RE: Hallo, CD! - devinn - 01-10-2014

Yaaay! Welcome! (I like your calender/progress chart by the way (: )

RE: Hallo, CD! - Doolio - 01-10-2014

Quote:So, hi!


I think your jan-feb-sept thumbnails made me at least 10% happier than I was before I saw them, so I'll be waiting for that sketchbook thread:D

RE: Hallo, CD! - justjingles - 01-11-2014

@Pep: Thank you, and hello!

@Manny: Yaaay hello! Thank you, it's nice to meet you.

@Doolio: Haha, aww. That is a nice compliment. Thank you!