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Hello Crimson Daggers! - Printable Version

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Hello Crimson Daggers! - Foxy_grandpa235 - 07-18-2014

I'm just another artist trying to better myself so I can be my own boss. I dread forums I think reading and navigating them is a pain in the ass but the resources that come from forums are unmatched so far and I think I am just going to have to suck it up and get hip.

some of my work can be found at if your interested

It really warms my heart to know that there are such great communities out there for artists and I really appreciate all the effort people put in to try and help others.

I really think all knowledge should be free and the elaborate structures that have sprung up to reinforce this idea in this field are nothing short of miraculous.

that being said I can't wait to start meeting people because I hate to leave my house and I have to network somehow!

much love and admiration,


RE: Hello Crimson Daggers! - Foxy_grandpa235 - 07-18-2014

thanks man! that's the best thing you can do with your art!

RE: Hello Crimson Daggers! - Foxy_grandpa235 - 07-18-2014

totally read that without the period lol ThinkingBlushingStupidStupid

RE: Hello Crimson Daggers! - Heliux - 07-21-2014

welcome! :}