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Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Printable Version

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Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 03-01-2012

Hey guys :D Thought I'd start a sketchbook here since I listen to Dan all day while I'm at work. I need to get better at everything, so I'll put as many embarrassing studies as I can in here as possible. Here's some recent random stuff that will probably never get finished to start off. . .

[Image: raidersketches.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lvxb66GEY31qd5r66.jpg]
[Image: CentaurRendevousvWEB.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lqvx6ux28j1qd5r66.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lvxbvpTapr1qd5r66.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lkx4toJnAV1qd5r66.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - ferrando - 03-01-2012

cool stuff so far keep posting!

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - FlyByKnight - 03-01-2012

Really like what you have so far.

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Sickbrush - 03-01-2012

agreed, nice work so far. one thing i'd try to push is a bit more color variation here and there, you tend to work in very limited pallettes which is nice most of the time but it's also rewarding to push more tones in there from time to time.

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 03-02-2012

Ferrando - Thanks man!
FlyByKnight - Thanks broooo :)
SickBrush - Thanks for the crit! Yeah I tend to use colors in a very basic way lol. I'd like to improve my foundations of color and value, so I think I'll do some master studies soon since I haven't done any in awhile. . .btw I really got a lot out of that lecture about hugs the other day XD

I really wanted to do the Monster Hunter Challenge, but kinda noodled around for a little bit and didn't really get to the polishing. I'll probably finish it eventually because I kinda like where it's going.

[Image: MonsterHunterComp.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - KyleScary - 03-03-2012

I'm reeeally liking the stuff you've been posting! The frog samurai is great, and the Monster Hunter Design is really awesome. I like the colours you choose quite a bit! I guess one minor crit, where do those bigger blades on her upgraded sword come from? Anyway, can't wait to see more!

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Tooth - 03-03-2012

Ah love it, colourful fun, yeah nice stuff man :)

Looking forward to more!

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - DK - 03-06-2012

Haha, good to see you here Jamesy! Much improvement since the last time I've seen your work. Love what you did with bloodsports 6, has a Legend of Mana type feel. Keepem comin!

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 03-11-2013

It's been awhile since I last posted here, so let's see if I can remember how to post images correctly. . .

I started writing a game document about robots and stuff a while back and decided to do some rough sketches for the main character.

[Image: mainCharactersketch_March2013.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 04-09-2013

Some mo' sketches and a hand-painted texture since I'm getting back into 3d stuff again :O

[Image: RQ_chicks.jpg]
[Image: Brick_texture_notTiled.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 04-15-2013

Here's another sketchy mech design for the dude I drew earlier and some other sketches done awhile back that was never really shared anywhere Sad

[Image: mechdoodles_4122013.jpg]
[Image: mechroughs_Dec6_2012.jpg]
[Image: mech_colorpasses_01.jpg]
[Image: Warband_races_wip_02.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 04-27-2013

I started a livestream about a week and a half ago. It's every weekday morning at 8am Pacific time, and I'm just doin' the fundamental stuff for around an hour or so. This week's theme was female figures!

[Image: FemaleStudies_April2013.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Heavenwill - 04-27-2013

Good Job ! Really nice work

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Danar - 05-01-2013

you got a lovely style man keep at it!

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 05-04-2013

Here's some hand studies from this week's livestream and a sketchy thing.
[Image: HandStudies_May2013.jpg]
[Image: Robotarm_kid_sketch.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 05-11-2013

Clothing studies from this week!
[Image: BJ6nu2oCIAIeUpAjpg-large.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Danjez - 05-11-2013

Nice works and concepts man :D

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Jamesybear - 06-09-2013

Thanks Danjez!

Few lunch doodles I ended up coloring later
[Image: weird_houses.jpg]

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - Fincks - 06-09-2013

I like the style of your wall texture, it has a Darksider look.

You should finish the background of your painting with the centaur !

RE: Some studies, but mostly video game fan art - aks9 - 06-16-2013

wow, ace work in here! the characters and designs are real nice. love the mech girl and the little houses at the end