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Just checking in - Printable Version

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Just checking in - ElectricRaygun - 07-02-2015

I found the forum via facebook. Figured that joining might be a good idea.

I just want to be a better artist. I've been doing this pretty much my whole life, but I've been trying to take this more seriously since I want to paint as a career.

I like painting fantasy stuff and people. I hate painting environments, so I'm trying to force myself to at least try them out.

I'm really bad at networking too. I tend to stress myself out when talking to strangers online and offline. Trying to improve with that too.

Anyway, can't wait to dive in!

RE: Just checking in - smrr - 07-02-2015

Hey there, ElectricRaygun (haha, reminds me of the item from Super Smash Bros ^^;), welcome to the Daggers!

Sounds good to me! That's what this community is all about, becoming the best we can be in our chosen fields :D

I feel you on environments, yeah, gotta wreck all our weaknesses!

Same here again! I suck at maintaining blogs and keeping a Facebook, deviantART, twitter, Skype, etc presence active haha. I'm only like really active here o_o

Woo! Yeah, come dive in! There's lots to be discovered in the daggers,

Lookin' forward to checkin' out your sketchbook when you make one! o/