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What's up everyone! - ChrisDMiller - 07-28-2016

Just doing a quick introduction.  I've been drawing off and on for quite a while, but didn't really start taking it seriously, or studying the proper way until a few years ago...even now, I'm not sure if I'm doing it the right way, although I think I'm slowly getting there.

Been to a few different sites, but it's become increasingly difficult to find a community that helps on consistent basis (admittedly, I don't critique as much either...not that I don't want to, but because I feel like my knowledge is so limited).

Anyways, been lurking here for a bit and I'm finally going to start a sketchbook (hopefully) today, so I'm just going to post a self portrait I did a few weeks ago. 

See ya later!

RE: What's up everyone! - John - 08-01-2016

Hiya Chris! Late welcome to the Crimson Daggers! (Seeing you joined like a decade ago)

Hey man, props for taking this art thing seriously. And at the same note, condolences! It's not exactly the easiest route in life!

I'm just goofing around! (but all jokes are half meant...)

You know what.. I've been at this for quite some time, I still think I'm doing this art thing the wrong way. But luckily, there's no recipe for success. From what I've experienced (or experiencing), there is no "right" way. It becomes "right" when it works for you, whatever the method you chose to do.

People have debated what's right, what's not. What is worth your time, what isn't. Here's a very enlightening discussion about fundamentals from our very own Muzzy! It might shed a little bit of light with your predicament.

Quote:Been to a few different sites, but it's become increasingly difficult to find a community that helps on consistent basis (admittedly, I don't critique as much either...not that I don't want to, but because I feel like my knowledge is so limited).

Check this out:

To add to what has already been said by Amit: In receiving critiques, it's an artist skill to determine which critiques are helpful, and which are not. It is not your fault if you hand a bad critique (unless you're doing it intentionally of course). Don't let that mindset hinder you from handing out a critique.. I've handed critiques which I thought were right, and I was proved wrong. It's not just for the benefit of the receiver, sometimes it works the other way around. It's always healthy to start a discussion!

Here's to seeing you active! Let's do this!

(Cool portrait!)

RE: What's up everyone! - Artloader - 08-01-2016

Welcome again Chris :).

From what I've seen of your work it looks like you would be able to share valuable crits!

Looking forward to witnessing your art journey dude.

RE: What's up everyone! - ChrisDMiller - 08-11-2016

Hey John and Artloader...thanks for the warm welcome and advice!

John, you hit the nail on the head! I will definitely take a look at those threads you posted.