These commissions are better and better, wizards better run for their lives or you'll steal their money.
Sacrifice you social life to the Photoshop gods! That's how I'm able to do "this much".
Keep kicking ass man, but not too much, I'd like to have a beer with ya in Cali before you leave it, not sure if you want to leave it, anyways, kick it!
Dude, these characters just keep getting better and better.
I'm really liking this last guy you did in the armor. It's one of the most solid things you've done, design wise, with armor. :]
smrr - <3 <3
Fedodika - Thanks koala broooo
rafa zanchetin - I'll probably, maybe be here when you hit up Blizzard, but the beer we will do one day for sure. Hurry on up here yoooo
Archreux - Thanks man! that one was hard to design. They wanted part roman, part european so it was interesting lol
![[Image: RxeYEps.jpg]](
Scratched metal ? .... get outta here !
Awesome as always. Curious to see how this chow will turn out.
Great designs and renderings. I wish you would put them in environments more though.
Good stuff, man. Your Chow is already looking like it might kick all kind of arse.
Gr8 Nate m8. Powerful pose and the crow gives a dark feel to the char. Can't wait to see it finished!
Killer studies man! CHOW is already looking sweet too.
Adrian - Thanks man. Gotta practice them materials!
Fedodika - wooooooo :)
Flo - Thanks Flo! Perhaps will do some illustrationy personal stuff. Doing some for clients but NDAs blah
Craig - Thank you sir. This will be a mad rush this week, hopefully won't turn out too crappy
Dom - Thanks Dom :)
Jones - Much appreciated Russ
Quick update, another client piece and other stuff
![[Image: i7E57XB.jpg]](
sweet updates as always! cant wait to see how this chow turns out <3
These characters your burning out are so sweet, I love them all. That latest dude could do with a bigger mace though :p The way he's holding it and its size makes it look so light haha. Though with armour that awesome who gives a shit xD
Best of luck with all the freelance too mate, its well deserved and I can only imagine its going to get better with the amount of ass your kicking.
Thanks as always man! Yeah you're right about that one, it was also an awkward grip/kind of weird looking pose. Appreciate the words <3
An FYI for the stream folk, won't be streaming Saturday.
Was swamped this week so wasn't able to put in the full effort into the CHOW I wanted, but ah well, finished to a point.
![[Image: wb0IyR4.jpg]](
pnates gone pro without us... nice knowin ya bud.. see you in like a billion years when i get there $.$
Keep going Nate! Don't know what else I can say but keep being an example for us behind you!
My God. This is fantastic man :o Love the characters and the studies. That's just great. So many things to learn.. thanks for the motivation ;)
Sick updates man, your stuff got so much better since my last visit =3 Love the brushtrokes and designs, keep killing it! <3
Congrats on winning the ChoW. Very solid design and execution!
...somewhat random since I can't even find something to nitpick in your latest updates: He totally has a male face, but for some reason I can still see the underlying "Nate paints a girl from imagination" facial structure in there. If that even makes sense. Not sure if it's the chin, mouth or cheekbones or something... just thought I'd mention it since I find it kind of funny :P
Keep it up man :)
Fedodika - I'm not one of them pros yet, but one day :)
BrotherOstavia - Thanks man!
meat - Thanks meat <3
Mike - Thank you Mike!
ramalooke - heyy thanks for stoppin by dude :)
Lyraina - Wooo thanks for the crit Lyra! Totally should have used some reference there, but I rushed it. I think that's my default "imagination" face haha funny how that facial structure keeps popping up. Studies needed, that's for sure!
Some fairly random updates-more to come. Also an old banner I made after Forrest suggested the title "Crimson Chowdown" for the CHOW, but didn't end up using it lol
![[Image: dafvROs.jpg]](
Damn dude your characters just keep getting better, you seem to have a process down too. Lookin forward to more!