your color picking and values are very very nice.You seem to have a bit of an issue with your life studies to be rather soft edged, pay attention to that I guess.Im sure you'll figure it out soon enough.Keep up the good work.
Rindoukan - Thanks!
Study after Frank W Benson. Only found out about him today, google him! He has amazing colors
![[Image: SzaYI2G.jpg]](
Great studies, man. I'll ditto what Rindoukan said above - along with your colors be aware of your edges. I can't remember the artist, but some big-name said that all he ever really worries about are his edges. If he gets that correct, everything else seems to just fall into place. Of course, to really get edges a good understanding of lighting/value/form are required, so it's not much of a wonder why everything "seems" to fall into place, but I digress... Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the input Frenik! I appreciate you taking the time man
Love me some Perlman
![[Image: 26SOflR.jpg]](
Yes! More Perlman! Those wonderful enviro's looking as stellar as ever. I'd really like to see some of these things bigger. Gestures gestures gestures. Nice work, you're figures have shown significant progress.
Ooooh those colors in your landscape :)
The gestures are cool keep doing them ! I agree with Archreux I'd like to see something "bigger" too, maybe you could try a new full scene? It would allow you to put characters in a wonderful environment and make you apply those last studies ! :D
Keep the great work up !
Archreux - Thanks man! Bigger things to come!
Izzual - Thanks Izzual! Working on a personal project currently, trying to make use of all these studies :)
![[Image: yMlJIYH.jpg]](
Just saw the bloodsports judging on-demand. Thanks to Dave, Dan and Brad for their time and input on all of the winners/runner ups and to all the Daggers for putting in such awesome entries. I learned a lot from their crits, can't wait to start applying them
quickie sketch thing
![[Image: A8LhfOA.jpg]](
Hey, congratulations on being featured in the bloodsports judging! Always feels awesome. I think you did a great job on your piece but I suppose I agree on the design part to some degree.
Getting kind of curious on your personal project, you've done nice studies for it. So I'm gonna hide in the bushes waiting for the post!
Also dig your characters from post #132, very easy to read forms and personality!
Bjulvar - Thanks man, yeah they were right on the nail with the crits, it was awesome just to have Brad give me feedback! That gave me the giggles. Some more personal work coming soon, thanks for stopping by and commenting!
![[Image: SUc082o.jpg]](
Your edge control is getting much better. tasty texures on those hair studies :o you really nailed them! apply that stuff in your portfolio and your good to go.
monster sketches
![[Image: 3IgGT9t.jpg]](
Goodness man. This sketchbook is radiating with resplendence