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Full Version: Life drawing, quick attempt at value work.
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Today in life drawing workshop, I made a quick attempt at exercising my value skills.
The pose was something like 10-15 mins long.

I have to stop making such hard lines when doing contours on value oriented sketchs...
Any observation are welcome!
Hey. It's a good drawing. I wouldn't mess around with much value with such a short pose. You would learn way more if you articulated all the character of the shadow shapes and the exterior contour to the best of your ability. If you are going to put in any value within that period of time I would keep the shadows flat, and all one value. Also, I would just work the transition off the shadow. Like the picture I attached. There isn't anything wrong with hard bold lines. They just need to be accurate in describing and accenting the form. Just take a look at Sargent's figure drawings.


It really is a nice figure drawing, you have captured the essence of the pose. Challenging angel.
I would love to see more.