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Light Face

Hello Crimson Daggerers,

A great sense of relief is flushing over me as I type this because I can't wait to take advantage of the push making this sketchbook will give me to churn out shit every minute of every day.

I tried to make a sketchbook thread on Concept art, however, I found the boards to be too busy these days, lacking in as much of a sense of community and they've had so many problems recently with the site (I've had two sketchbook threads just disappear) that I've given up on making a sketchbook there, at least for the time being.

Anyways, some stuff about me, I'm 19, from the UK, going to the University of Cumbria in September.

I haven't actually been at this art thing consistent, well, ever. But now it's time for that to change and for me to progress at a rate we can only describe as "Lunacy speed."

Here's some old stuff anyways:

Welcome to the Daggers,

I really enjoy these vehicle designs, I also really like the composition of the first one with the tribesmen.

Keep us updated!

Light Face

Heeeeeeey, thank you very much Jonesoda.

Here's some new stuff from today! The dude is in Photoshop, and the female study was made on Sai.