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Full Version: Studies of Concrete
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Welcome to my studies sketchbook. I want my fundamental study work to live here. Focus will be mainly on: Animal anatomy, Architecture study, Still life work, Design , Perspective, Figure study with a focus on posing and clothing.

If you have a crit keep it to yourself.

Just kidding, please let me know how I am doing. :D


Industrial Design/Photobash practice. Trying to go for a bat A-10 vibe. Learned a ton.
very cool industrial design man, i like this a lot! also i like the colors your use in previous paintings:D
Great stuff man!

Really good start to a sketcbook.
That watercolour that watercolour that watercolour that watercolour 6f428754 !!

Arrrgrh, everything is looking wonderful!

Can't wait for s'more!