Focus of the day was superficial neck muscle.I am happy with the result my shading technique isn't still there yet.I used a skull template and everything in red and black was made by me.
The front on you are missing a lot of stuff like, the center adams apple area, should show form even in superficial muscle drawings, as you seemed to show bones in the back of the trapezius.
For the front, the cords of the trapezius dont wrap so far over the clavicular area, that is mostly hollow , and you didnt show it attaching to the clavicle. The way you indicated the bottom of the sternomastecloid doesnt show it comfortably going into the clavicle, its thinner at the bottom and comes out on a much further slant to the right before it thins out into the ear.
For the back, you drew the chords of the trapezius going into the skull way too thin at the top, the trapezius is also much wider at the sides, and yes the sternomastecloids are visibe from that angle but they are further to the sides of the skull, thicker and nearly covered by the trapezius
Side view has the sternomasticloid going too far out, it comes in closer to the clavicular insertion. same with the trapezius being too small... im not sure if youre using reference with these but i highly reccomend you pay more attention to the bone landmarks and try your best for a 1 to 1 representation of the subject
I don't necessarly have the information on where every muscle attach but i will make sure to refine my knowledge on that matter once i judge it to be critical.I know that some of the muscle connect to the back of the head and some wrap around the clavicule but my knowledge is still superficial after all this is still just my first attemp at drawing the neck .One of my biggest error i think was ignoring the adam apple since it a volume that still affect the shape of the sternomasticloid.I will try to do better next time.Less on the presentation and more on the anatomy.
A poor attempt at mapping the muscle of the back(From the neck to the pelvis) first i wanna work on the connection point before going into the volume.I don't know exactly where the teres minor and teres major attach but i don't think it gonna be necessary to learn that.I don't think i will be working on the volume of the back anytime soon since we rarely represent naked body from the back but eventually.My intention is to prioritize more urgent subject since anatomy is such a vast subject.
Ref on the right my diagram on the left.
This time i work on the pectoralis and the serratus and external oblique?I choose not to just the map the muscle this time since i think this was important that i add a indication of volume and see if i am correct or wrong.
Magenta:External oblique
youre doing these on easy mode you need to locate them on model photos with a tracover to where you dont just copy stuff, and actually recall the knowledge and use it in a practical way. thats how you internalize it
This just the beginning don't get impatient on me i still need to learn how thing layer and it the best method to do so in my opinion.No worry i am working toward invention i don't intend on copying for ever.I am just starting the motor slowly checking if i have any issue with the layering or connection before working my way into volume and invention.
Making my prayer wish me the best.Hand and foot is the next sh1t on my list.Gotta kill those uncomfortable subject even if i wish we would could just ignore them.They just make character much more believeable.
My hand are still to ugly to be shown in here yet.So are my foot.
On an other note tried to memorize and slowly build my understanding of ''complex'' volume such as the leg.
Sometime you gotta ''cheat'' to learn you eventually have to move on to construction.But first tracing and copying is a good start.
the patellar ligament, which is the white part near the knee cap comes up higher then youve indicated.youre also neglecting the gastrocnemius coming out the back and swinging to the side on the calve muscle,which is a major part of the calf, also dont draw the limbs touching, like you have the thighs, and the calves inner muscles are touching, which would look quite strange in real life
Yea i must have neglect a few muscle of the leg and arm they are so complex i can barely start to stratch my head to what is superficial and what is not.Yes your right i didn't notice that i didn't put space between the leg i will be more careful next time.Problem is i didn't study from the side and front or i think i would have seen my error thank for sharing.
Good to see you on the anatomy as well dude.
I like your methodical approach of first understanding the basics before moving onto invention.
Just one thing I noticed about your serratus study - you've drawn them all slanting downwards - actually they are like Japanese fans originating from a point at the back and fanning out round the front:
A wonderful muscle :).
Hope that helps, keep going fella :).
(12-05-2018, 05:50 AM)Artloader Wrote: [ -> ]Good to see you on the anatomy as well dude.
I like your methodical approach of first understanding the basics before moving onto invention.
Just one thing I noticed about your serratus study - you've drawn them all slanting downwards - actually they are like Japanese fans originating from a point at the back and fanning out round the front:
A wonderful muscle :).
Hope that helps, keep going fella :).
Do you mind if i ask where you did get those anatomy reference it look clear as fuck compare to some of the thing that are kind outdated in my anatomy reference folder.Most of the thing i find about the torso the damn arm is in the way.
Plane of the full figure front view.Definitively have issue of controlling my brush size across the session.Let not get distracted by this issue since it was focused on plane.
Loomis full figure plane analysis.
Your profile drawing is just innacurate, like the calf is too big the butt is too high, chest too far forward, deltoid too short, itd actually benefit you to just keep repeating this observation until you nail it since thats a crucial skill
(12-12-2018, 12:21 AM)Fedodika Wrote: [ -> ]Your profile drawing is just innacurate, like the calf is too big the butt is too high, chest too far forward, deltoid too short, itd actually benefit you to just keep repeating this observation until you nail it since thats a crucial skill
Thank you for the critic yes i seem to have repeated the same error and now i think i corrected them in the profile view.Must Be due to watching to much dragon ball.
I know a lot of these lines loomis is drawing might seem arbitrary, but like the place you drew the lines on the calves for example, if you knew where the head of that muscle breaks, youd have drawn that lower, as he did (gastrocnemus.) Its good your observing these anatomical diagrams but i think youre not appreciating the actual forms themselves, especialy if you cant identify what each of them are. That and these images are so complex, you probably get tired and stop observing and just try to finish them, so the learning stops.
If i were you id,
1. devote my time to learning the major parts of anatomy, just do one a day, you know learn about the deltoid one day, then the serratus another day, then obliques another day etc.
2. try to copy an image accurately in line, similar to what your doing above, but a simpler subject matter, maybe just a head or a bottle.
Yes i will probably be better to study the plane in a more compartimented way instead of this full figure type way.It just i didn't though of doing plane that way since my reference where mostly of full figure.I will just chop those full figure into smaller exercise.Overall i am satisfy with the way they came out.There alway space for improvement
Here some even more advanced plane analysis of the full figure done before fedoliika advice.
Note that the one done for the back view doesn't follow the perspective of the reference fully .Because i wanted a fully symmetrical back view .
I did the late analysis with adobe illustator.