:) I keep trying to do an 'eye' tutorial for you but the software(s) that I'm trying keeps either crashing my laptop or not recording properly (either strobing or glitching or just not filming) ~ I'll probably try again tomorrow... JonHop says to do it on livestream... so might try - no promises :) But keep up the good work... :D
Great progress on hands--we can see you really thinking about how they are put together and move.
(08-05-2013, 09:24 PM)smrrfette Wrote: [ -> ]it's up to you, you can start with 2mins if you wish. Remember: draw smart, not fast.
Never trace!
I agree with Zombie 100%!!
what do you mean by never trace?
Hey hey, I think I remember you mentioning something about painting ears... and I know this video is about light, value and form but the example is an ear and I don't know if it might help you at all
http://ctrlpaint.com/videos/form-value-and-light in fact... there's a lot of wonderful (free) videos on this site which you might benefit from
http://ctrlpaint.com/library ~ Just thoughts mii
(08-28-2013, 10:43 AM)missimoinsane Wrote: [ -> ]Hey hey, I think I remember you mentioning something about painting ears... and I know this video is about light, value and form but the example is an ear and I don't know if it might help you at all http://ctrlpaint.com/videos/form-value-and-light in fact... there's a lot of wonderful (free) videos on this site which you might benefit from http://ctrlpaint.com/library ~ Just thoughts mii
i know this one it one of the best out there
don't be shy to post anything else i am always looking for tutorial
this my youtube channel you can go to the tutorial section if you need to find quick tutorial i am gathering tutorial
(08-28-2013, 09:21 PM)missimoinsane Wrote: [ -> ]Since we're sharing.
JonHop (on here) did a value explanation for me not sure if you wona add this as it's helped me understand so much - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKvPiV-41...rh&index=1
And he also linked to a really good fur tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74Bj_EmFm...rh&index=2
Not sure if you wona add those :) :)
I've subscribed to you on YouTube. I use my YouTube for all my craft stuff (craft tutorials) of which I really doubt you have an interest in and such!!
where is the eye tutorial you been talking about didnt work out?
finally had the guts to add something to my sketchbook
please don't judge the quality i am experimenting with gesture and i trying to draw from life
with really not much exp
Hey as for the eye tutorial none of it recorded and when it did record it was just strobing different coloured lights and you couldn't actually tell what I was doing as everything was shades of blue, then green, then red, then yellow and back to blue and repeat. I will try and get a tutorial done though when I figure out the software or get brave enough to go on livestream :3
30 and 90 second drawing i had to retrace over the 90sec one because the line were to light
insect 1 of 3 into 3d analysis (focus to be able too imagine the same mantis in different pose)
i did this over a image to make it quick
Coloring (focus learning about the lasso and magic wand)+control +speeding the process
as a fan of dragon i choose vegeta i like vilain so hope you like it
i have no idea why there are strange line near the upper left glove near where the arm start
it a pgn file
I am excited to see what becomes of this scorpion piece.
I'd love to see it really rendered out as a sort of full metal mech scorpion piece. That would be awesome.
Keep up the great work!!
Ps. Hope you are ok :D
(09-22-2013, 12:20 PM)missimoinsane Wrote: [ -> ]I am excited to see what becomes of this scorpion piece.
I'd love to see it really rendered out as a sort of full metal mech scorpion piece. That would be awesome.
Keep up the great work!!
Ps. Hope you are ok :D
for that i would need to do a metal study i am not at that level i am still learning proportion color and many other thing i cant even finish something digital i am going for a scan retrace and color style method before going total digital
It was just an idea hun. I didn't mean go go do it right now. Sometimes (years later) I look at old sketches of mine and make something new from them. Just when you get to feel like you're at that comfortable level then perhaps it's an idea. I was only suggesting!! ~mii
60 second gesture and some proportion
I'm going to give you some advice man, just a thought.
I've seen you posting a LOT of replies, I see them all over the place. This is good as it shows you want to help people but... it seems like your spending more time posting replies than actually doing art. I read that you wanted to get serious about art in your introduction, and if that is the case I suggest you practice more often and browse these forums less.
It is a form of procrastination that can happen with many things. It happened to me with tutorials where I would watch a bunch but never paint anything. Eventually I started to actually study and it has been a lot more beneficial.
Again, its just a thought.. maybe your not posting everything you do idk, but it seems like you have been posting less in your sketchbook lately.
I see lots of practice sketches.
Stay positive & keep at it :)
(09-24-2013, 12:51 PM)JJ Aaron Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to give you some advice man, just a thought.
I've seen you posting a LOT of replies, I see them all over the place. This is good as it shows you want to help people but... it seems like your spending more time posting replies than actually doing art. I read that you wanted to get serious about art in your introduction, and if that is the case I suggest you practice more often and browse these forums less.
It is a form of procrastination that can happen with many things. It happened to me with tutorials where I would watch a bunch but never paint anything. Eventually I started to actually study and it has been a lot more beneficial.
Again, its just a thought.. maybe your not posting everything you do idk, but it seems like you have been posting less in your sketchbook lately.
i understand and i am aware of it i do a lot of replies but it in my free time you can go to my post call time under the microscope and maybe you will see where is the real problem is
http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3824.html if you didnt allready check.
One thing that people need to understand at the moment is that i share my computer with the member of my family i try to draw traditionally but since i do not own a work space it not ideal for me i can't draw for a long period or it become inconfortable also i have problem doing art around people of my own family i need a calm space to work.This is why i have join a class and it will start this week.
some additional comment on how i fight procrastination
I focus on 60 minute of tutorial per day
I track my time when i am not doing what i am suppose to do during 8am to 3pm
I try to have a me time so i procrastinate less when i need to be working
I know i need more discipline i just don't like to force my self in into a routine my routine is to work as much as i can during 8am to 3pm
Cool, if you have some time set aside for art alone that's great. I just know how hard it is to avoid procrastinating and I wanted to make sure you kept you goals in mind is all. Good luck with your endeavors and have fun.