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Playing around with cast shadow,volume line and tried a brush to complement this salamander 
Had some fun rendering the salamander skin and trying to get the wetness effect i am not sure if i can say it a sucess so let me know.
Nothing special to say about this one got bored and wasn't interested in rendering further.Next is going to be 3 snake.
(08-16-2020, 04:36 AM)darktiste Wrote: [ -> ]Had some fun rendering the salamander skin and trying to get the wetness effect i am not sure if i can say it a sucess so let me know.

I can not tell you from a technical perspective, because I never tried to achieve that effect myself.
But I would say - as a spectator - I would read it as something slippery, yes.
There is something I have been curious about, for a long time. Are you drawing with a mouse? or laptop track pad? I ask cause I notice in every single one of your pieces, the line looks the exact same thickness and opacity. Looks very unatural, it feels like you are drawing with a mouse.
Snake 1 of 3
I'd suggest to do more cross contours across the figure so you can feel and read the form better like you did with that first salamander piece. Also, try using the soft brush and use a Hard brush to use the shading. IMO, it just looks better, you can set the opacity to 100 and the flow to 25-50.
Snake 2 of 3
Better, I would suggest to use thinner lines for the contours and to simplify the shading to make it pop out more.
This end my introduction serie on snake.I think i am going to go back and draw a salamander head and than i willgo and draw a few frog.The idea being to touch different kind of animal and move toward my goal of inventing my own creature with more study behind what i am doing to back it up.
A salamander head with value.
Gone bit over my time limit but i think it was worth it.I wanted to try the strip on is chest and add a scar but run out of time.

PHANES CAN MANIPULATE TIME, which they use to sow chaos among mortals. Occasionally they form pacts with powerful beings that share their destructive propensities.Consisting of coalescent mist, this creature has the lower
body of a hunting cat and the torso, arms, and head of a humanoid. The air ripples around the creature, and though it
moves with feline grace, it seems as though it can barely hold itself together.

P.12 Monster manuel 4th edition

Modified a bit the description due to the time constrain i set for those project.
Side view and front view of a toad head.
I struggling at the early stage but i manage to have fun toward the end so it was worth it in the end.
Testing a tutorial i found interesting the result is pretty satisfying even if the process take sometime to get us to.It was a tutorial on how you can create a brush to draw tube like subject and save time.So here i did a snake.

I recommend checking it out
A other day and other head.
Just having fun taking inspiration from collectable monster game from my childhood.They look like the rejected design from those game but it doesn't matter i will get good result at one point or an other.Not bothering giving them volume but it might explain why they don't look like design that would make it to an actual game i don't think i am there yet in term of design so i keep color for later.That just a side project on the week end to relax and practice thinking outside the box.
Crocodile semi finish because it was way to long it was drawn from reference and a chicken skeletal structure trace over a diagram and a side view simplification of the general shape of a bird.
A bird drawn in 3 different position.
What happened to the mountain adventurer kid?