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Hello everybody and nice to meet you. This is my first day here.
I hope it will be a productive and qualitative experience, and definitively i need some directions in this direction.

This is what i worked until now in a [still life] + [anatomy] Challenge with the people from conceptart website(but i will give you the link from deviantart because is more clearer and ordered). >> <<

I heard and pointed to your website by some very awesome people from CA, like snatey(render),brent(monsters),nim(atmospheric),Long(concept),Mike(american) and much more... :)
I speak with them in G+ hangouts almost everyday. That why the involvement.

I am here to grow as an artist, to know other artists, to debate on art and methods, techniques, and tips. I heard only good things about you and I really hope i can be a part of this group.
To the future!!! (and beyond)...

~ Teodor (aka q12) ~
Hello Teodor :)

Nice artworks on your DA page.
Have fun here :)