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Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Printable Version

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RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - JacobJanerka - 02-04-2012

aww dude that sucks, wish you luck getting your computer sooner or later. Looking forward to seeing the finish either way!

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Zaphk - 02-05-2012

damn =(
Good luck on fixing the computer! I hope you finish it, it was so beautiful already. <3

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Cricketts - 02-07-2012

That sucks good luck!

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - joerdenleigh - 02-07-2012

Hey its not too late you can still pull the web copies and work with them! dunno if u have a comp u can borrow off a friend or something ?

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Tooth - 02-09-2012

Hey thanks people! :)

I got CS2 running on an old computer, just about lol, so added some colour to the piece, trying to go for that monochromatic steampunk feel, kinda like the new sherlock holmes type thing.

C&C welcomes! Not long to go!

[Image: laputa2c.jpg]

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Ben - 02-10-2012

Hey man looking sick. Glad to see you are back up and running!

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Zesiul - 02-10-2012

Colors could use some work.

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - tempest-haze - 02-10-2012

Yay! I'm glad you found a way to keep working on this. I really love the composition!

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Cairn - 02-10-2012

Nice work!
Foreground with Pazu is looking close to complete.

-detail borders
-top looks very unfinished. push the colors, and depth of castle
-push depth in the background in general
-push values on secondary characters

try dropping a warm photo filter of the whole thing and work some colors off of that. It helps sometimes in defining the color palette.

overall its a stellar piece, but its a bit to muted right now.

hope this helps, good luck!

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - borishev - 02-11-2012

real good job!!! great from the start,fluid, imaginative, really make me want to see the movie again!Can't wait too see it finished

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Tooth - 02-11-2012

Thanks all!

Ill try make some of the changes, but tbh it's at the stage where I'll probably make it worse.

Updated a bit anyways, bit overblown then most moncrome posters i look at are hmmm

[Image: laputa2k.jpg]

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Roope Maatta - 02-11-2012

Holy shit dude, this is so bloody awesome!!
I'm in aw, just brilliant.
Keep up the spectacular work, can't wait to see more

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Cairn - 02-11-2012

Bring the borders back! :)

RE: Bloodsport #5 - Castle in the Sky - Tooth - 02-11-2012

Oh thx!

Aw Cairn I just ran out of time :( Borders had to go cos they looked well unfinished and I had a nice shiny brass finish in mind. Oh well! Thanks for the photo filter tip, never heard of that filter before!

Need to learn more about this monochromatic stuff for sure!