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okay, let's do this! - Printable Version

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okay, let's do this! - pur1n - 11-28-2012

well .. hi! i'm purin (or pur1n, since purin is taken on dA :< )
if you're able to pronounce it, you could call me meike ;)
i'm 20 years old and i live in germany. right now i'm doing an internship at a printers shop, which i need to be able to study in fall 2013 :)

okay i feel a little strange about doing this, since this seems like a huge community and i feel so small in it. but i've been lurking around here and on livestreams for a while now and want to give it a try.
so here's a little summary of my art-related background. i'll try my best keeping it short :P.

i've been drawing since i was little kid, starting with horses that have six legs. as if i knew this was an epic thing :D.
when i was somewhere between 10 and 12 years old my mothers ex-boyfriend installed photoshop to my first own pc. that's when i first got into digital art, although i didn't use it to paint at that time. i also had my first experience with a tablet which wasn't a wacom, but it's a start! :P
at that time i actually was addicted to creating homepages. i started at one of those "build your own page" things and slowly learned html and css. there was a time when i changed my design every week. i still have my page up, but was too busy with painting this year :) (if someone's interested, it's . i feel like if i do something with it, it will be completely renewed :P )
so actually the first time i really got into painting digitally, and by really i mean like practically, was in late 2009 (first painting) which is around the time i already had my tablet for a little while. after that and even before was a long time of nothing. i didn't really use it for a long time and therefore looked at tons of tutorials and other artists works, which actually seemed to help me a lot!
i did one painting in the beginning of 2011 which i think my feelings kinda helped making it so awesome and then i really got as busy as a bee (for my standarts so far ..) in this year.
for further insight to my stuff you can check out my dA gallery

So what i want here i think is finding some mates to motivate each other, maybe do some challenges, look at stuff (which is really helpful for me :P) and especially GET BETTER!
because the only thing i'm really good at so far is portraits, what makes me a little sad.

so i guess that's it. hope it isn't too much :D
and now lets have some fun .. or go to sleep .. where did that time go again?

p.s.: feel free to add me on skype ;)

RE: okay, let's do this! - Laura_H - 12-04-2012

Hey Purin! welcome to the community. You have a nice gallery going on - feel free to join in on the sketchbook section :D