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Hello from a motivated beginner! - Printable Version

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Hello from a motivated beginner! - Karnich - 12-04-2012

Hi to all of you guys!

Finally I have decided to become an active member here.
Currently I study computer science, but lost interest half a year ago I think, when I saw some of FZD School work on youtube. Since then I watched some tutorials, but never thought that I will want to pursue this as a career. After a while I bought a tablet, but I haven't draw almost anything until 3 weeks ago when I saw an interview from Sycra with Alex Negrea. From there my motivation started to grow, I found out about the daggers, and started to watch Dave Rapoza and Dan Warren's streams and that was the breaking point and I want to express my thanks. These three weeks I draw every single day in my free time. I'm 23 now, realizing that it's a bit late, but I will give all to improve myself until graduation(7 months left).
I was very confused where to start, but finally decided to catch up with the classes one by one, until I see how many I can do simultaneosly.
Hmm, the thread became large enough and I have things to draw!
Best wishes, Martin from Bulgaria.

RE: Hello from a motivated beginner! - Laura_H - 12-04-2012

Hey and welcome to the forums :)