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Gorila Guardians CowBoys - Printable Version

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Gorila Guardians CowBoys - artderek - 01-28-2012

My Bloodsport entry.

RE: Gorila Guardians CowBoys - gangstershit - 01-28-2012

I like the concept. It's just corny enough to work, but the thing that draws people to the western stuff is the culture. Sure you can probably get away with setting it in the jungle, but you got to include a town. For example there could be a saloon, with like zebras hitched to a post or something.

Right now he reads as an explorer or a poacher. But like I said this is one of the higher concepts of all the enteries.

RE: Gorila Guardians CowBoys - danlambert - 01-28-2012

You win simply for rendering out the toy, looks great, I want one!