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The home base of Light Face Part Duex - Printable Version

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The home base of Light Face Part Duex - Light Face - 06-27-2013

Hello Crimson Daggerers,

A great sense of relief is flushing over me as I type this because I can't wait to take advantage of the push making this sketchbook will give me to churn out shit every minute of every day.

I tried to make a sketchbook thread on Concept art, however, I found the boards to be too busy these days, lacking in as much of a sense of community and they've had so many problems recently with the site (I've had two sketchbook threads just disappear) that I've given up on making a sketchbook there, at least for the time being.

Anyways, some stuff about me, I'm 19, from the UK, going to the University of Cumbria in September.

I haven't actually been at this art thing consistent, well, ever. But now it's time for that to change and for me to progress at a rate we can only describe as "Lunacy speed."

Here's some old stuff anyways:


RE: The home base of Light Face Part Duex - Jonesoda - 06-27-2013

Welcome to the Daggers,

I really enjoy these vehicle designs, I also really like the composition of the first one with the tribesmen.

Keep us updated!

RE: The home base of Light Face Part Duex - Light Face - 06-27-2013

Heeeeeeey, thank you very much Jonesoda.

Here's some new stuff from today! The dude is in Photoshop, and the female study was made on Sai.