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Newbie Parade - Beast - 06-28-2013

There are a lot of introduction threads today!

It's a little overwhelming, because most threads I've peeked in seemed to have some sort of awesome art education, or experience.

I have little to none. Wanted to go to school, for anything really, it never really worked out. But that doesn't mean I haven't stumbled around the internet, looking at different things and trying my hand at it.

Hope not to disappoint, will post some stuff in critique once some major lurking has been done. You guys rock, so talented and inspiring.

Oh, uh

I live in the middle of nowhere, enjoy long walks on the beach and making friends on forums with bloodsplatter backgrounds.

RE: Newbie Parade - Asmodius - 06-28-2013

Hey beast,

I'm kinda in the same situation, been running through a lot of options, wanted to get into psychology then anthropology, biology and archaeology, been hard trying to find out where to settle, haven't had any schooling for art but I heard a lot that it isn't necessary. I've always been into art though, especially game related works, any ideas where you want to head with your art yet? Would be cool to see some of your stuff too :)

RE: Newbie Parade - smrr - 06-28-2013

Hey there Beast! Welcome, a la welcome to CD :D

No need to worry about being a 'newbie' or 'beginner' here in Crimson Daggers - always remember that each and every one of us are at different levels on our art journey :)
If you get caught up about people being better than you etc. then you're not focussing on what's important: yourself :D

Haha wow I went off a bit there. My bad

I hope you enjoy your stay here, Beeeeast
and make the most of what the daggers have to offer :)