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Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Printable Version

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Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - alexson - 02-02-2012

First I wanted to make Princess Mononoke so I did some thumbs, studies and whatnot.

[Image: mononoke_thumbs.jpg]
[Image: mononoke_paint.jpg]

But I didn't like the composition, and after watching Porco Rosso last night I decided to do that one instead, so I took the pieces from the mononoke thumbs that I liked and made a new thumb.

[Image: porco_thumb.jpg]

Nothing groundbreaking about the comp. It's rather unoriginal I guess but all my ideas generally are.

More updates to come.

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Benjah - 02-02-2012

i didnt see porco rosso but man:O i like that last princess mononoke sketch maybe you should look some movie posters to get more ideas :),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1152&bih=731&ix=sea&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=JXEpT-3PC6SCsAK-zKG4Ag

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Tooth - 02-02-2012

Love the new idea, Alex, strong comp so far, lets see more!

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - alexson - 02-03-2012

Thanks guys!

Here's with a rough sketch and rough colors.
[Image: colorthumb.jpg]

And some studies for the clouds.
[Image: Porco_clouds.jpg]

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Howie - 02-03-2012

great stuff so far alexson, I love the cloud studies...can't wait to see more

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Tooth - 02-03-2012

This is really looking great Alex, I'm glad you chose Porco and changed your mind, looking forward to more, wicked cloud studies.

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - joerdenleigh - 02-07-2012

Im, likin the porco rosso one!

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - alexson - 02-10-2012

Thanks alot guys, sorry I didn't update this thread that much I forgot.

Here's my final image and the studies.

[Image: Bloodsport_porco2.jpg]

[Image: Porco_studies.jpg]

[Image: Porco_thumbs.jpg]

RE: Bloodsports #5 - Porco Rosso - Alexson - Tooth - 02-11-2012

Oh wow I love love how you did his face, Alex!

And everything else looks really good, glad you made the switch to this piece :)