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helloooo - Artery - 10-20-2013

Hello, names Alex! A friend recommended me here for inspiration, pretty cool name you got here Crimson Daggers... I think my usual internet name Artery will fit nicely hah. Anyways i'm here to work twice as heard on my dream to make animation & great looking web comics sadly i'm horrible at perspective & coloring etc but from the looks of it... You guys are far beyond my current reachable dream, but yea will be here seeing if this place will help me or not, not sure how many novices you guys had in the past.

RE: helloooo - smrr - 10-20-2013

Alexexexexexeeeex!! :D

So happy right now-!
Make sure you start up your sketchbook and post whatever designs, sketchbook pages etc, you do in the day/week

You can improve on all of those areas, I know you can.

And lol yep, Artery fits very nicely with CD haha

RE: helloooo - Artery - 10-20-2013

Yes, and there is my my friend Steph hi haha really digging the scene generator atm

RE: helloooo - smrr - 10-20-2013


Yeah I've always wanted to try the scene gen out, probably will soon

RE: helloooo - aks9 - 12-11-2013

Hi Artery : ) thanks for your comment on my sb
actually there are tons of new people here, I'm fairly new myself too, just practice a lot until you meet your resistance then keep going
firsts steps is to make your sketchbook thread and add a link to your sig
we're all horrible at some aspect of painting, so that sentiment is something that we all have in common, even the people you look up to or are envious of, do you best.