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To Whom It May Concern - Printable Version

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To Whom It May Concern - MapleBacon - 02-09-2014

Dear Crimson Daggers,

I am terrible at intro[/php][/code]ductions, so I'll get to the point.

I have stumbled upon your community whilst finding ways to better my own. I am an acting ambassador (of sorts) from The Viziers. We are a Gaming "clan", who's major focus is participating in a system of online roleplaying like none other. We are striving to make our system as akin to pencil/paper rpgs as we can.

I deeply admire the Character, Creature, and Scene Generators that you guys have hosted here. Excellent job Dennis, I was wondering if I could have your permission to host them on The Viziers' website, with a link to their original threads, of course.

Let me just add that I also admire all the artwork I've seen here. I just recently purchased a Bamboo tablet, and my progress with it has been, lacking to say the least. Kudos.

And last of all, if any of you want to Register on our site, to chat, snoop, or even join us, you're welcome to. I understand, for appearance's sake, that this does not seem like a legitimate community. We're in the process of migrating websites, and I apologize.


I hope that our two groups can become subordinates, if not friends. Thank you for taking the time.

RE: To Whom It May Concern - Prabu - 02-20-2014

Hello Maple :)

Welcome to Crimson Daggers :]