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RULES - GROUPS AND PARTNERS - Printable Version +- Crimson Daggers — Art forum (//crimsondaggers.com/forum) +-- Forum: PERSONAL ARTWORK (//crimsondaggers.com/forum/forum-9.html) +--- Forum: SKETCHBOOKS (//crimsondaggers.com/forum/forum-10.html) +---- Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF (//crimsondaggers.com/forum/forum-2.html) +----- Forum: RULES (//crimsondaggers.com/forum/forum-22.html) +----- Thread: RULES - GROUPS AND PARTNERS (/thread-579.html) |
RULES - GROUPS AND PARTNERS - Dan Warren - 02-22-2012 PARTNERSHIP- Partnership is a simple tool for keeping two artists productive and excited about their work. theres no hardcore rules, here just common sense stuff. if you and a friend in the group are both working and wanna try helping one another out on a regular basis, form a partnership and treat one another like sponsors. if someones slacking on their goals, call them out of it. engage in frequent critiques and analysis of one anothers work. set up a stream together for talking, working, and cataloging your development. keep it fun but also serious. trust me when i say having another artist at your back is infinitely more helpful than going it alone. theres no rules or punishments or anything like that for partners, keep it fun and relaxed, but focused on your goals as individuals. if a partnership isnt working out because one member has slacked off, given up, or is unable to work, maybe find someone else. trust me when I say that finding a good match in another creative person will help you tremendously. check out dennis' run through on how it all works! SEEKING A PARTNER Ever feel like you're still working alone when it comes to studying, even with all of the livestreams? Need someone to be right there with you to help push you every morning? Need help planning out your daily schedule and actually getting it done? Need someone to critique your work when you need it? Well, by having a partnership with someone, you can help push each other to make those accomplishments. Right now you might be sitting there in a livestream just watching or listening to the streamer paint, but you are just one out many. The streamer isn't really focused on any one individual person. The streams are more for the group activities such as bloodsport and listening to professionals come on and talk. When it comes to doing something as mundane as studies, you could use someone pushing you to wake up and getting them done. I was thinking that maybe there could be two threads. One for finding a partner and one for posting the studies. You would post your contact information and schedule in the SEEKING A PARTNER thread. You might use a messenger such as AIM, MSN, SKYPE, etc... to meet up with your partner and discuss your plans for the day. When you finish your study session, you could post your work in the PARTNER DAILIES thread as proof that you actually did them. Your messenger account should be NEW. Why? So that you don't talk to anyone else besides your partner. When you finish your daily routine with your partner you can log off and go on with your day. HOW TO FIND A PARTNER IN THE SEEKING A PARTNER THREAD? Step 1: MAKE NEW POST IN SEEKING A PARTNER THREAD: (So that people can find you) Step 2: LEAVE A SMALL BIO: (Just a small bio of who you are) Step 3: LEAVE OR PM/EMAIL YOUR MESSENGER ACCOUNT INFO: (A newly made messenger account of any kind) Step 4: LEAVE SCHEDULE: (Let people know your time zone, when you get up, and how many hours you have for studies) After that, you can look through the posts and find someone you think suits your schedule and let them know you're down and give them your contact info. When you do find someone, put in the topic title CLOSE POST so I can close the post. You can both be studying different things but let each other know what you will be doing and how long each of you are going to be in that session. At the end of the session show each other what you've managed to get done and make a new post for you and your partner in the PARTNER DAILIES thread. But Dan, Im somewhat of a swinger, and I just cant be satisfied by one persons love and admiration! which brings us to the next topic- groups. RULES FOR GROUPS while the partnership system is somewhat up to the people involved, when a group is formed from multiple people looking for the same thing out of their development, a small degree of restriction is necessary. its nothing major, and is only in the rules to ensutre Crimson Daggers stays open, positive, and friendly to any newcomers, despite their skill level. lets say for example that you arent getting enough robots out of the bloodsports challenges, and dont quite know how to incorporate them into your work on your own. you and some friends get together on the forums and decide youll tackle the problem together in a group format, to help one another along the way. this is great, and an awesome idea we totally stand behind, but to ensure a level of quality control, there are some basic rules youll have to follow. 1) ALL GROUPS MUST BE OPEN Essentially, because crimson daggers is a community routed in equality and fairness, all groups and group challenges must be open. If your group is tackling mecha designs and a beginner wants in to bolster his portfolio and learn with you, he must be let in. but this isnt so much of a problem due to the second group rule, which is- 2) GROUPS WILL NOT HAVE MEMBER LISTS And why should they need them? the people in the group who are active know who they are, and by posting in the groups work thread they can all see who they are and what each other are doing. when everyone active is posting and discussing, theres no need for lists or rosters, its all right there in your thread, for everyone to see. those who are more active in the thread will (obviously) be more associated with it, and those less active will (obviously) not come to mind when the group is talked about. In this way, by limiting it to a thread for work and productivity, a ned for lists and rosters is effectively deleted. but who mamages the group? 3) ALL GROUPS HAVE A LEADER of course, when organizing streams, challenges, and development deadlines within a group, someone needs to be in charge in order to make sure everything is done and effective. as such, all groups should have a leader (or leaders)- most likely the person who made the group and started the ball rolling. the duties of the group leader are as follows- to 1) manage and direct the group in a positive way in relation to what the group is supposed to be focused on. essentially, if its a robot group, youd better make some interesting robot topics for the members. 2) to ensure a level of quality control within your group by making sure noone is being made fun of, left out, alienated, or pushed aside. IF there is a legitimate problem with a member, warn them as such. if the problem persists, notify me (Dan Warren) and some action will be taken on the forums if necessary. KEEP IN MIND that group leaders arent better or worse than the people in the group, they are merely the founders of that group- there for a level of wuality control and management to make sure the thread stays positive. 4) ELITISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED Need I explain any further? were all students here, with a respect for learning. there will be no tier system, no hierarchys, and no alienation based on skill. Any contests or incentives a group offers must be based on merit alone, much like the goldenboys, and be a level playing field for new members of all skill levels. 5) GROUPS WILL CREATE, AND DESTROY, THEMSELVES This might sound weird. let me explain. its my final p oint about groups and its a fairly common sense one. if a group is made and it goes good for a while, then dies out, it simply means people are no longer interested in that topic. we vary the bloodsports contests from week to week to prevent this otherwise inevitable fizzle in the entries. but with a focused group setting on a limited variety of topics, some decline in interest may occur over time. dont be offended, and dont get upset. all trends in art have their ups and downs. If you have an incredibly successful group for several months, enjoy it, and if participation drops over time, understand that it is simply due to the topic becoming stale. move on to something else, expand your topics of discussion, or join someone elses group to stay fresh. *note that this is less likely for groups routed in rotating themes, but a serious concern for groups only focused on one particular thing over a long period of time) AND LASTLY despite what group youre participating in at the moment, all groups are a part of the collective CRIMSON DAGGERS. any subforum of group here is purely for your benefit as an artist, so feel free to explore and work in anything available. if something doesnt exist yet that you are interested in, make the group for it, and good things will come as a result. lets keep this fun and positive, like this forum should be. <3 Dan RE: RULES - GROUPS AND PARTNERS - Eric - 03-29-2013 Dan said, "Right now you might be sitting there in a livestream just watching or listening to the streamer paint, but you are just one out many. The streamer isn't really focused on any one individual person." This is strange language to me, Dan. What exactly is a "livestream"? It sounds like a copyrighted name. I know what a live video stream is on the net... A "streamer" is clearly someone who engages in this activity, whatever it may be, but is he an artist who video records himself painting in real time on his computer as he streams it on the internet? Wouldn't that require some expensive gear to accomplish? -Eric |