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Oh Hi Guys! - Printable Version

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Oh Hi Guys! - Ray Dennis II - 10-10-2015

What's happening good people?
I just heard about this site and that it's a good environment for artists really trying to take their skills to a professional level and beyond. Who doesn't want to be god-like with their art skills?

I just turned 26 and I have never considered myself an artist, but recently I've been having these incredibly vivid dreams that I think would make for great stories. Writing books would be cool, but I really want to accompany the story with visuals of places and beings that kind of spawn in my mind's eye.

I cannot draw at all. But I really wanna commit the time and do what it takes to develop a graphic series and work with and learn from other artists as well. I plan on using Photoshop as my main medium.

I'm nowhere near good enough to land a job where I can draw for a living yet, so that's the first goal I've set for myself.  Once I'm there, I should start improving faster, all the while working on my own stuff which like for most of us I think is the ultimate goal!

I look forward to learning with you guys.

RE: Oh Hi Guys! - IrishWhiskey - 10-10-2015

Welcome to the Daggers Ray!

You should pop up a sketchbook whenever you get the chance! Its the best way to get the most of this site and the community is unbelievable!

Enjoy your stay and welcome to the Family!

RE: Oh Hi Guys! - Ray Dennis II - 10-11-2015

Thanks IrishWhiskey!
That's interesting you say I should put up a sketchbook. My work is very rough right now! But you're right I could surely benefit from sketchbook critique especially since my skill level is so low right now.
Good idea!

RE: Oh Hi Guys! - IrishWhiskey - 10-11-2015

I really wouldn't worry about that! my skill level is bellow low and having my work on this site benefited me more than i ever imagined.

The best thing about putting up crappy work up is you can see your progress and that motivates the hell out of you!
when you look at crappy work on page 1 and then flick to page 50 and see amazing work that looks like it was done by a completely different artist you wont regret it!