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Ironcutter 15 goals - Printable Version

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Ironcutter 15 goals - IronCutter15 - 05-25-2012

my goals for myself
I'll make it simple but these are what I have in mind at the moment

-to work at a comic book industry(udon entertainment,image,dark horse comics) and to be able to attend comic book conventions to promote myself

-to be to really understand both traditional media(penciling,inking,values) and digital media(like knowing more tricks, and learning new techniques)

-to be more confident and efficient in my art skills and be able to handle stress in the industry

-to get a better life and enjoy what I do.

-and to help other's when needed so they can pursue what they want in life.

just to get this out of the way I want to focus on comic books because I have a appreciation toward that media and I wanted to focus more that. I don't feel that I should work at animation and movies because it doesn't interest me. this is what I want to improve on and really hope to get myself there when I get there for now I want to start on the right foot.