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erik's sketchbook - Printable Version

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erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 06-19-2012

Hey all,

Been around for a long time but mostly just watched streams/posted on CA. I'm increasingly finding that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I don't know what I'm heading toward, but I wanna keep going.

Thanks for taking a look!

I don't have a whole lot to show, but I figured I'd never start this thing if I didn't, well, start it.

Some designs for a comic I'm working on.
[Image: alabasterCostume.jpg]
[Image: alabasterCostume3.jpg]
[Image: maxCostume2.jpg]
[Image: alabasterHead2.jpg]
[Image: alabasterMaximus.jpg]
Obligatory hot girl photostudy
[Image: girl1.jpg]
Trying to apply study
[Image: girl2.jpg]
Skulls from head/trying to draw skulls of people from photo ref (no skull ref)
[Image: IMG_0223.jpg]
Been doing a lot of these for warm ups recently. If I can't really draw a box that well, how can I draw anything?
[Image: sketch14.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 06-23-2012

Sorry for the crap update, trying to get back into study habits.

Will keep at it. :]

Some gestures from observation/head
[Image: gestures1.jpg]
Reffed figures/clothes
[Image: clothed.jpg]
??? Something like hannes did to practice tones
[Image: colorSwatches.jpg]
Still doing these to just get basic concepts
[Image: junk1.jpg]
Couple hours self-portrait
[Image: selfPortrait01-1.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - Cricketts - 06-23-2012

Thanks for stopping by my sb. your line work is awesome. Great job on the self portrait as well.

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 06-30-2012

Cricketts: Thanks a lot!

Just gonna drop these off, trying to head toward what I want to draw rather than what I feel like I should:

Studies, gonna try loomis for faces soon to get some more structure to the practice
[Image: amors01.jpg]
[Image: faces.jpg]
Some designs and stuff for a comic
[Image: avery01.jpg]
[Image: averyColors02-2.jpg]
[Image: guargos.jpg]
[Image: trentCostume1.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 11-27-2012

Been a while, updates on my blog: I'm just gonna keep going with this thread instead of start a new one though because whatever I guess lol.

Currently I'm just plowing through a perspective book and loomis for the figure. It's a nice way to have something concrete to study. Taking lots of notes and trying to really dig in to what I'm learning. More on what I'm up to soon!

[Image: 20121116anat004.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - kidult - 11-27-2012

Nice stuff man, just keep going!

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 11-30-2012

Thanks kidult, means a lot!

Some studies for an illustration, sketch, n some weapon shapes from memory. Trying some different fur techniques in the first, not quite there.

[Image: studyBaboon.jpg]
[Image: studyOrangutan.jpg]
[Image: ROON.jpg]
[Image: memWeapons1.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 12-07-2012

A few more things, not sure what I'm doing! haha

[Image: landscape1.jpg]
[Image: pose.jpg]
[Image: hands.jpg]
[Image: cloth.jpg]
[Image: animals1.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - bemota - 12-07-2012

Oh man, in no way you are a noob. Your linework is amazing! And your paintings are already showing improvement (those monkeys look extremely good!). Thanks for stopping by my sketchbook and keep goin'!

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 12-08-2012

Hey thanks bemota. I don't feel I have the skills to really give out much good critique anyway haha. Thanks for stopping by!

Some more things. Workin on loomis and gonna practice more values/color/rendering stuff.

Working from mugshots is interesting lol.

[Image: flower.jpg]
[Image: fullbody1.jpg]
[Image: head.jpg]
[Image: mannequins1.jpg]
[Image: 20121203studies003-1.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - erikHolfelder - 12-11-2012

Some more!

[Image: anatomy1.jpg]

Figure in perspective box is giving me trouble, gonna focus on it a bit.
[Image: anatomy2.jpg]
[Image: pose2.jpg]
[Image: armor1.jpg]
[Image: armor2.jpg]
[Image: sketch20.jpg]

Was getting frustrated with my values/color/rendering here. I think the last apple is a little better though. It's confusing me pretty gud right now. These were limited to 1.5 hr each.
[Image: portrait1.jpg]
[Image: stilllife.jpg]
[Image: stilllife2.jpg]
[Image: stilllife3.jpg]

RE: erik's sketchbook - deerandfox - 12-11-2012

Hey man real nice stuff! One thing i do notice when you paint in some of these is your tendency to use blacks for shadows in some parts, the last apple is much better though. Just be careful of it, because it a great way to really kill a painting. If you want to use a dark colour just head over to the right hand side of the colour picker and go from there. Good work!