Hello Everyone

My name is Yulian. I am an illustrator and graphic designer.

I'm still new in digital painting. Usually I draw with pencil or pen and color my illustration digitally. About a year ago, I started to be interested in digital painting, and tried to paint digitally. I have to admit that the result was not good. So here I am, would like to improve my skills by joining this forum. It looks like this forum is a great place to learn.

Nice to meet you all. Looking forward to know you, and hope we can learn together! :)

Hey Yulian, welcome to CD!
Nice to meet you too!

That's a cool way to get into digital painting, I checked out your DA and it's evident you can draw! Really cool stuff - you're gonna be crazy if you keep up studying!

So keep it up and be sure to join in on the community action :)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(02-12-2014, 12:51 PM)smrrfette Wrote: Hey Yulian, welcome to CD!
Nice to meet you too!

That's a cool way to get into digital painting, I checked out your DA and it's evident you can draw! Really cool stuff - you're gonna be crazy if you keep up studying!

So keep it up and be sure to join in on the community action :)

Hi smrrfette,
Thanks for your warm welcome and checking my DA.
Seeing how the people improving here motivates me. :)


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