John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
bonesworth - Oh you. You don't have to lie for me to love you. I'm an easy catch!


Been awhile since I last bumped my thread up. It was for the best that I figure things out myself rather than listening to people having me pulled to different directions. Pretty interesting experience since it doesn't seem like I needed to work for a ringleader of some circus. Not that I'm saying that my experience here was a bad thing either, since I've made my bones here in this very forum with the help from a variety of people. Besides, I needed to experiment without having to please too many cooks to make the soup. Amit once told me that I should develop my own skill in judging my own work. Not only he's right about it, but it also solved that problem of me annoying him with my incessant tugging of his coat. I guess I'd chalk up my absence to that; and just being tired of seeing a lot of "your piece needs to work on anatomy/light/value/perspective" from all the threads.

(Having said that, I am most likely guilty of giving such generic monotone crits anyways! Who am I to judge!)

Just dropping by to say that I am still at it. Pretty cool to see there are still new members coming in. Also, it's truly inspiring to see some of the old members still updating this small corner of the internet and taking their craft to the next level. I guess its like witnessing people I look up to, like Karla Ortiz, Marko Djurdjevic or Dave Rapoza's old sketchbook threads on Except they're still in that phase where they're still trying to figure things out.

After that long winded yammering from yours truly, here's a medley of the works I churned out, ranging from 'cringe' to 'I guess this is decent enough?':

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

Messages In This Thread
RE: John's Thread (Do not coddle and punch him right in the goolies.) - by John - 04-29-2019, 02:18 AM

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