Shout Box archive

11 Sep 12:38




03 Sep 14:02



Or we could start the crucible again. Or move it to a single row and keep it scrolling/the latest 9.

03 Sep 08:10



Farvus the shout out box work it must be a issue with your browser

03 Sep 06:25



yeah that would definitely be more relevant. I'm assuming only DK can change it

03 Sep 00:56



Strangely enough i still don't know what the Crucible hall of fame stand for and it as not been updated for age now so why not change it for the Chow winner?No offense to the past winner but atleast they can get a bit more recognisation for there effort

20 Aug 15:59



Thank for the Response Sir

20 Aug 00:49



I'll see if an invite system is possible, and I'll look into that issue darktiste, for now ill renable registrations.

18 Aug 22:05

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for "Fantastical Desert Lands" is up:

16 Aug 14:09



When i try to send a message to someone else i see the logging screen yet i am already sign in...

07 Jul 08:30

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for "Super Villain" is up:

06 Jul 14:36



Yep, I'll re-enable it a bit later, just clearing out a bunch of users with 0-1 posts that look suspicious etc

06 Jul 11:19



why does sometime when i post i get the logging screen and i loose my post...

24 Jun 09:02

Pubic Enemy


Good idea

24 Jun 05:06



Disabled registrations for a bit

31 May 22:57

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for "Mermaid Infantry Unit" is up:

18 Apr 02:54

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for "Cloud Cowboy" is up:

11 Apr 12:06



Funny true?

07 Mar 23:31

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for the "Elemental Whisperer" challenge is up:

24 Jan 17:09



I am not sure how much none artist value art made by none artist(ai) but it is sure for me that as an artist myself i have a much greater respect and appreciation for human achievement than i will ever have for ai art.Keep creating regardless because if you enjoy what you are doing you already making this world a better place.It this human honest expression of self that cannot be rival by any artifical construct which make it human and why it so relatable

22 Jan 11:57

Pubic Enemy


CHOW poll for the "Cimmerian Cook" challenge is up:

30 Dec 10:54



Hope everyone had a GREAT 2022 and will have a fantastic 2023!

26 Dec 16:46



And a happy new years

26 Dec 11:24



Merry Christmas everyone

21 Dec 14:59



You guys can private message me whenever if you have an issue. Sketchbooks shouldn't be deleting themselves automatically though.

14 Dec 13:12



They are not you probably delete it thinking you were deleting a reply but you were deleting the thread.

13 Dec 13:58



Are they deleted after a certain period of inactivity?

13 Dec 13:58



It looks like my sketchbook is gone :/

12 Dec 10:20


Is their a mod on?

09 Dec 15:23



Ok, agreed. I'll shut up.

06 Dec 08:23

Pubic Enemy


lvlingArtist, I disagree with you on this subject, but even if I didn't, I would have to say this: There is no point in bringing this up in the chat box of an obscure art forum, or on any forum, for that matter. Zero minds will be changed, and you will lose time and energy.

06 Dec 06:23



Those arguments sound like trivializing Genocide. The Billionaires, who want to bring about international-socialism, are publishing books and videos about it themselfes. They are meeting at G20 and openly talk about their new world government. Covid is not an illness, it is the effect of the repeated injections and fraudulent tests, that detect the normal flu. 2 years ago the press named you "nazi", when you told it, but by now, they themselfes admit it moreand more.I don't find Genocide trivial

06 Dec 03:44



So what killed people experiencing heart attacks before covid i wonder. What killed anyone. Better yet why did people die at all. Excuse me for doubting, but i also think that this line of speculation only Trivialises the death of a specific person...