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Posted by: puyopoyo - 07-22-2024, 12:10 PM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (2)

Yo! I'm new here! I'm 21, been drawing since I was a kid, and would like to improve my skills in drawing. Admittedly I'm not very good, but I hope to quickly change that. I'd like to change my habits to draw and finish my works more often, and I'd like to study the fundamentals more as well.

I hope to make a sketchbook thread and update it as much as possible as motivation to draw more. I'm also open to any feedback as it really helps me grow faster.

I really enjoy creating characters, stories and worlds, and art is a helpful outlet for that. I don't currently post the doodles I make in regards to that, nor do I plan on posting them here yet, but I may post full illustrations of them in the future.

It's nice to meet you all! (^v^)

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  Hey there
Posted by: Zvarthav - 07-14-2024, 10:29 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (4)

Hi, I've drawn all my life but never seriously studied art or gone to art school, I've just winged it. So I joined this forum with the intention of starting a sketchbook, as I hope it will motivate me to get better. Part of my goal here, if I can manage it, is to study various art books or video courses and do their assignments.

I hope it's okay to start a sketchbook even if you're inexperienced and are going to do newbie assignments.

If anyone is curious about my art, here is my cara https://cara.app/zvarthav/all and this is an example of it:
    This drawing is fanart though, so I didn't create the characters, I just reinterpreted them in another style.

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  Nice to meet you!
Posted by: Navaali - 07-08-2024, 07:37 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (8)

I'm thirty something and I've been drawing since highschool. It's been a long time I'm stuck between being an amateur, giving up drawing, and being professional... I studied art and I have experience doing commission work, so it's not nothing, but at the same time, I lack confidence and I've never earned a living with art. I am not very consistent and I have a lot of weaknesses.
I want art to be more central to my life and I'd like to really become confident in my skills and experience.
Creating stories, making up characters and settings is something I take great joy in doing. It's the reason I started drawing. I want to finish at least one comic book, and then become better at it. I try to make manga art and to learn in that style, but I have a large style range (am very inconsistent) and I also look at realism to build up better fundamentals. Honestly, I want to be a professional manga or comic artist, but first I want to do some and develop my own stories and way of doing things before I confront myself with questions of level, competition and edition. 
I also want to review basics and become a better artist in order to teach art to people without feeling like a fraud. Learning and teaching actually go hand in hand I think, but the more I can practice the better I could teach.

I appreciate this place that gives me a chance to share motivation and inspiration with others. It's also a way to take a step back and write my goals and check my process, progress, etc. I hope it will help me become more consistent, to practice more, while not losing sight of what I want to create and the heart I want to put in my creations.
In the past, the experience of art school and a inhumane critical environment made me distanciate from my hopes, desire to create, and personality. I put a lot of effort into it, but I was unable to achieve things for myself and in the end, drawing was just not something I did with pleasure anymore. It felt like something I had imposed on myself, a huge mountain of difficulty with no reward, serving other people only. I stopped wanting to be a pro, but I didn't stop drawing.
Now I sometime feel that it's a tool that belong to me and I get closer to love what I do. I also realize how important it is to me, and I don't want to give up on that. I have already put so much time and effort in building my skills, and I faced a lot of hardship - it's a shame to not do anything with that.
The most important thing is that I focus on achieving my creative projects without getting distracted by too many other things- but I feel like training in a place like here can still help me with staying focused on improving certain areas, organize better, get motivated, and share the joy and hardships of drawing with people! I'm looking for feedback and happy to discuss anything art-related.
Thanks for reading me, have a nice day~

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  Hello World!
Posted by: j0my - 06-13-2024, 07:43 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (5)


I am so truly excited to be a part of this. My name is Josef and I am from Czech Republic. I am 20 now and trying my hardest to get to an art university. I first fell in love with illustration at the age of 14 when I saw a Blizzard art book at a local comic shop. I was immediately hooked, committed and never looked back. I honestly don't remember how discovered Dave, but his straightforward attitude really opened my eyes. Funny enough I never even tried to google the old forum he kept mentioning in his videos since I thought there is no way it still exists xD I tried it out of curiosity like a year later and to my complete amazement the forum was still very much alive.

So here I am, still can't believe I am now writing this. I have actually never used something like this before, so I don't even what I am doing. Also, English is my second language, so I don't really know what I am writing either. Already a promising start:)

Anyhow, I am here to get better. And I will. I will start posting as soon as I figure out how. I also look forward to helping others any way I can, although probably not many people here will need my advice. I looked around the forum a bit already and your work is pretty badass.

Many heroes of mine have come through here. I am honoured to have the opportunity to leave my mark i this little corner of the internet, surrounded by good people and artists of this caliber.

Take care everyone

Till later

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  Harrison Funk
Posted by: jennaross - 05-30-2024, 10:29 PM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - No Replies

Hi there! Photography is my true passion. Harrison Funk https://harrisonfunk.com/ extends his influence beyond celebrity photography by actively participating in charitable endeavors. Through his lens, he champions various social causes and humanitarian initiatives, harnessing the power of photography to effect positive change. Funk's commitment to making a difference underscores his belief in the transformative potential of photography.

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  Komodo has entered the chat
Posted by: Komodo - 05-18-2024, 06:15 PM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (7)

Hello to everyone reading this  Thumbs_up

I'm Joseph alias Komodo, 26, from France and I do graphic & motion design for a living. I like my job but I've always been very passionate about concept art.

Since I'm a kid, I draw on & off from 2 to 10+ hours a week. I've always been serious about drawing but never really studied art theory seriously. 

A few days ago something snapped as I felt like I was plateauing regarding my drawing skills. So I decided to begin again to learn to draw and -digitally- paint. I don't know if I can one day produce professional level illustrations but it's worth the shot. The journey should be rewarding anyway.  Wisecracker

That's the story behind Komodo joining Crimson Daggers. I'll soon post a sketchbook thread to share my art with you and collect feedback! I already started to draw more and focusing on theory and studies rather than trying to produce finished pieces.

Excited to be here, surrounded by amazing people and artists! Have a good one and see you very soon  Sun

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Rainbow Back from the depression pit
Posted by: Leonor - 05-14-2024, 12:43 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (2)

Hello! This forum reminded me of conceptart.org (RIP) and I decided to join.

I was in conceptart.org for a while, had a sketchbook going, but suffering untreated Bipolar I self-destructed quickly. I'm finally on meds that work so that is the past and there is still a future ahead even if I'm old now.

I've been wanting to get back into art. I have the itch back. I really want to learn how to draw as I'm at a stubborn amateurish level and made little progress in 30 years (I think I regressed really). I sometimes use AI to visualize my characters (I hope this is not a bannable offense!) but this just encouraged me to learn how to draw. I want to do it myself, from my mind.

Is it OK if I start a sketchbook straight away? Would appreciate the encouragement. I have one little drawing to show.

Thank you for having me here!

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  Hello from a new member
Posted by: DLX_artist - 05-12-2024, 11:10 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (2)

Hello. My name is Dwayne, I am an artist who has woked in animation, comics, illustrations, and tattooing. I have sort of lost my love of art and here in the hopes to reignite my light by being part of an artistic community. Here are some of my drawings and paintings.

I welcome any thoughts!

[Image: dggt26n-ce7bae77-fe7e-4be9-8d41-0b7c835f...AZ5XVuapb4]
[Image: tigra_by_dwaynebiddixart_dggt37j-pre.jpg...5trKSQfTlc]
[Image: vampi_by_dwaynebiddixart_dg460mj-414w-2x..._ekMzH_Iig]
[Image: dfpgck7-db0954ff-ef62-4405-a2b2-4bbaacf1...EE1djdvCaA]
[Image: devst8m-2776b2ad-c127-4e5e-9211-59ec148f...tbPZ4rO2CA]
[Image: de5rtj6-901855b3-1358-4515-b5a3-d1b3857b...HGdsPIh-9U]
[Image: tone_study_by_dwaynebiddixart_de9ls1d-41...kgrThOR4l8]

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  It is time for the drawing training arc
Posted by: TrashPanda - 05-01-2024, 07:21 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (1)

Hey guys,

I have been a silent reader for quite a while.
Back then I was too shy to make a account.
The first time I actual heard about that forum was probably 6-8 years
a go when Dave Rapoza talked about it during an interview.

My plan is to finally "git gud" and switch my career.
I guess being forced to work fulltime in a "normal" job
( I dont mean this in a non respectul way ) really pushed me to take
illustration more seriously.

I have to figure out a smart way to study art that wont
burn me out on the long run.

Im looking forward to get to know you guys.

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  A total failure
Posted by: SmokeyGrimm - 05-01-2024, 02:28 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Replies (2)

Hi, I'm new here, I'll drop one of my sloppy sketches to be part of this.
I'm not used to do this, but I'm completely desperate and don't know what else to do.
The thing is that I've been trying to get a revenue from my art since 2015, after several years of studying, and dedicating entire days and months creating pieces, all I've got so far it's just failure; my art is never sold, it has been stolen, damaged, vandalized, no art gallery is interested on it, I've been scammed, it couldn't be sold on internet because I never got any visits due to me being a total nobody, and never got anything from it far from suffering and pain.
After losing literally everything, getting psychiatric treatment, getting to the point of literally puking when looking myself in the mirror, several mental breakdowns, and being one step away from living as a homeless, art is the only thing that I have left and I don't want to leave it behind.
Is there any advice or help that you can give me to stop having such a catastrophic artist career?
I'm even willing to sell my art as NFTs if needed
By the way, I live in a third world country, and english is not my native language, so I apologize if I couldn't express myself in a correct way, hope I get at least some words from you
Thanks a lot for taking your time reading me    

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