Shout Box archive

24 Feb 09:17



Yeah a separate CHOWs thread under the Tournaments tab sounds good Dennis - it would raise the profile I reckon - gonna cast my vote.

24 Feb 08:57



Sounds fine to me. I can also create a separate forums thread for CHOWs only under the tournaments tab if you guys do want that. I can see how that might make things more cluttered again, but I'll leave that decision up to you guys. You can toss a vote here.

24 Feb 08:10



How about instead of organizing this through PMs we start a thread in which anyone can write up a prompt for a potential chow, and the winner of the current one gets to either do their own prompt or chose one from those in the thread? I think it'd give more room for creativity, and it would mean that you could write a prompt once and then go back to it whenever you win a CHOW.

24 Feb 06:33



I also do like the concept of the winner being able to pick the next challenge if we can keep that going.

24 Feb 06:31



That's an interesting thought. Having the community juggle the CHOW to keep it alive when it goes down. I'm always willing to help out with it if you guys need.

24 Feb 02:23



Cool! Who is this mysterious ChowBot though?

24 Feb 02:01



Crimson CHOW will be resuming soon. It will return to its original name and will be the number 20th; upholding the tradition CHOW hosts pnate, smrr and Vandall have established.

24 Feb 00:37



Seeya mate.

24 Feb 00:37



Yeah I have a to do list of study subjects and it gets overwhelming, plus there's the issue of not being sure when to move onto a different part of said subject. Anyway I gotta be off, I need to rip apart my pc and stop it from making a whirring noise that's destroying my ear drums lol. Thanks again for the help guys.

24 Feb 00:36



Yeah I know the feeling mate - so much art to learn - not enough time to learn it!

24 Feb 00:34



Yeah I wouldn't be up for starting another course, i'm ridiculous with that shit, buy like 5 courses and never get through any of them xD. think I still have bridgmans book, prokos courses and vilppu not to mention the tons of free videos my fav youtubers do haha

24 Feb 00:30



Yeah I think there are courses on there - I don't know the site very well - found a couple of useful photo's on there but no videos yet.

24 Feb 00:28



I'll look it up, isn't that a book or course though? or does it have frame by frame pictures.

24 Feb 00:28



Yeah didn't think there'd be any, closest i can think off is there's a life drawing channel but that's only because the models move into their poses. Aside from that it's mainly just running videos and the whitest dancing i've ever seen haha. Really is bizarre the more I think about it.

24 Feb 00:28



Scott Eaton - Bodies In Motion might be useful?

24 Feb 00:26



I don't know of anywhere better than YouTube to be honest mate.

24 Feb 00:23



Actually entirely unrelated but does anyone happen to know of any sites that have moving gifs or videos of the body in movement, been using youtube links but if I could find a site dedicated to that sort of thing it'd be better. Suprised it's not more common tbh, after all you have to learn how to manipulate your ref and move the body in your mind.

24 Feb 00:22



No fair enough - you need to do what is comfortable for you.

24 Feb 00:22



Well once again artist quality though thanks for the link I'll defineitly keep this in mind for when i'm at a level where i'm doing more serious commissions. i'm fairly sure the dude would freak out and block me if I said £200 pounds XD

24 Feb 00:21



If you spend say 10 hours on it you're looking at over £200! So if you end up asking for £20 he's getting a massive deal!

24 Feb 00:21



Cool, though I don't really think it can really count the artist quality though. keep in mind I've technically got 5 years of experience XD.

24 Feb 00:19



It says £20.25 per hour is the minimum!

24 Feb 00:17



You in the UK?

24 Feb 00:17



Hey Trigger, check this out:

24 Feb 00:15




24 Feb 00:15



24 Feb 00:06



Yay money

24 Feb 00:02



I might raise it a bit more tbh, there's a certain bit of subject matter in the piece i'm not a fan of painting but i'm not sure how bothered he is about it so he might just say to remove it.

24 Feb 00:00



i'm a pro now. get gud scrub.

23 Feb 23:59



Boy you sure do learn fast. The student has surpassed the master in like minutes.

23 Feb 23:57



Lets haggle then :P

23 Feb 23:57



I should've said 50.