Shout Box archive

23 Feb 23:56



... I want a cut.

23 Feb 23:56



Sounds good, thanks dude I appreciate it! :)

23 Feb 23:56



Do 25. And haggle from there. At least now you got your bottom rate.

23 Feb 23:53



£15 I suppose. since it will take me atleast several hours.

23 Feb 23:52



How low you willing to go?

23 Feb 23:45



godamn buisness be hard XD.

23 Feb 23:44



right now i'm wondering maybe £20 odd maybe for a single piece like that? but once again not to sure.

23 Feb 23:44



I mean looking at my work what would you say is a fair price?.

23 Feb 23:43



Honestly I thought about that but I have no idea, my time on pieces varies a lot (usually depending on how much I screw up xD). I also already asked him what kind of price he'd want but he said for me to give mine first then we could haggle it out a bit.

23 Feb 23:43



Or you can throw the question right back at him. Ask how much he's willing to pay for the job.

23 Feb 23:42



@Trigger: This might not sound the best advice: Estimate how many hours it's going to take for you to finish the piece. Give yourself an hourly rate (eg. minimum hourly wage maybe?). Multiply your hourly rate and hours to finish. From that you have a number you can haggle with.

23 Feb 23:24



what kind of price would you guys generally say is fair?. He wants it colored and it's basically just a nude pose piece, no background either(thank god XD).

23 Feb 20:48



Damn..typing in phone, excuse all the goofed up text

23 Feb 20:47



@triggerpigking yeah definitely take the work. I feel taking on work i felt i couldnt do or wasbteond my skill level has reslly helpdd me move forward the past year, more pressure to get better.

23 Feb 20:30



Hmm, I suppose I will msg him later then, thanks dude!.

23 Feb 08:55



@Triggerpigking: If he asked you then he must like your work - if it was me, I'd agree a price with him and give it a shot!

23 Feb 07:36



So I wanted to ask for some advice. Someone recently asked me to do a commission however i honestly don't think i'm anywhere near good enough to be asking for money for what I do and he could probably find a better deal elsewhere. That being said i'm not sure if i'm just being too critical of myself or if it really matters if he enjoys my work enough to want me to draw for him.

21 Feb 14:19



Yeah the discord app is so much smoother. Just make sure if you're on a dozen servers to mute the ones you don't want to have notify you every 2 seconds :-|

21 Feb 12:44



I've heard discord can be a bit iffy through the browser. Might want to download the program for a smoother run.

21 Feb 08:34



Discord freezes my web browsers, is it just me? Does that for Chrome Firefox and Microsoft Explorer.

21 Feb 05:49



Congrats to dave on his awesome Logan Poster!!

21 Feb 03:40



Lower back pain needs yoga or accupuncture

19 Feb 22:58



Yeah that price is _high_ ... I'll wait until April and have several domain name ideas ready in case I really do buy it.

19 Feb 22:58



@John: something like that, lol, many shy artists, and many trying their hardest to counter their shyness, and some genuinely enjoying the social aspect for a change of scenery!

19 Feb 16:53

Amit Dutta


I am considering it..

19 Feb 16:52

Amit Dutta


Shame wacom is always so overpriced

19 Feb 16:32



Everyone communicating through drawings to compensate for the lack of immediate social interactions.. The way I pieced it together in my head, it sounds fun!

19 Feb 16:30



Art pilgrimage sounds fun. I can't imagine what that's like. Bunch of sheltered, introverted folks finally released into the wild haha!

19 Feb 16:27



You just have to drop 3 grand for it :)

19 Feb 16:25



@Amit: Have you seen the review for Wacom Mobilestudio? Holy shit it looks good.

19 Feb 16:24



@meat: Oh that isn't the lifetime price? You mean the bigger number is the base price and you have to renew every year?

19 Feb 14:02



Yeah we'll sightsee Zagreb together, lol