Shout Box archive

26 Jan 23:32

Steve H


Agreed too many puns in such quick succession can really get old, often if you are in the punzone it usually it's best for everyone to hit the break fast. Alternatively trying too hard to come up with something can only cause you to make a meal out of it in the end.

26 Jan 22:48



Cool - I tend not to have too many laughs when I do comedy too :).

25 Jan 23:42



One rule of comedy is to not be too greedy with the laughs :)

25 Jan 19:00



25 Jan 00:49



Nice John - got any more?? ;)

24 Jan 23:54




24 Jan 23:54



BigBreakfast ate the competition :)

24 Jan 20:46



Congrats BigBreakfast - that's a nice piece :). Thanks for running the show Vandall!

24 Jan 16:52




24 Jan 08:41



Thanks to Amit and Piotr for their great work!

24 Jan 00:11



Good morning guys! Was thinking of doing some Plein Air painting. Where can I get a cheap small portable easel that they use?

23 Jan 23:33



And the CHOWs are great fun - I hope to take part in a few more of these myself - thanks Vandal!

23 Jan 23:32



Yep - the Crimson Crucibles were awesome - thanks Amit and Piotr - you made the world a better place :).

23 Jan 22:28



Thanks for setting up the CHOW Vandall, enjoyed it alot :)

23 Jan 18:32



The CHOWs are going, thank you for running the crucibles guys, maybe with this free time I can rope you into a CHOW or two.

23 Jan 07:31

Amit Dutta


Thanks guys. The Chows are going again...maybe the winners of the chows could get up there. It would fill up really quickly too! :)

23 Jan 06:13



A big thank you to Amit and Piotr for steppin up to host the crucible challenges and taking the time to find guest judges to bring on. It was amazing while it lasted! Perhaps we can fill out the rest of the squares at the top with some of the other community tournaments. I'm not sure what you guys think about that.

23 Jan 05:03



thanks Amit & Piotr, i really enjoyed them a lot :)

23 Jan 04:27



Oh man, I was really looking forward to participating in the next CC, haha. Nevertheless, Thanks Amit and Piotr! I've learned so much by just watching the critique streams on youtube.

22 Jan 19:40

Amit Dutta


Thanks Hobbs! :)

22 Jan 19:33



Those were great, thanks Amit & Piotr for your effort!

22 Jan 19:14

Amit Dutta


Crimson Crucible will no longer be running

21 Jan 03:43



I think that had more doing with the colors I use and the believeability of what is, I am pretty sure my values are off.

21 Jan 03:42



Thanks I iwll give it another shot and take that into consideration, I wouldn't say that perspective grid bogged me down or anything like that, I guess I just wasn't happy with the result so far.

21 Jan 02:51



I'd reccomend not thinking too much about grids in perspective but understanding what you're looking at, like take the photo, make a new layer and use a bright color and draw 3dimensional cubes on each thing in the picture as if you're putting it in a box. It will help you learn perspective a lot faster than trying to memorize these cryptic grids, then you'll get why people use them later on

21 Jan 02:11



It'll pay off later when you start to blend and add detail.

21 Jan 02:10



Don't be discouraged if the block-in stage looks bad. Just try to be accurate with the values and shapes.

21 Jan 02:10



Sounds like you're trying to practice values as well as painting process.

21 Jan 02:07



thanks artloader I will try to take another approach tonight

21 Jan 01:47



I may try to model it, I really wasn't trying to focus too much on perspective though just wanted to do a black and white study for the most part

21 Jan 01:46



thanks I have no clue tbh I just know I wanted to make it greyscale and make it look good for the most part. I think I will make the photo greyscale in photoshop and then take a good look at the values. Maybe it is just harder for me to see because its in color.

21 Jan 01:44



@nufftalon: depends what you want to learn from this exercise, if it was me I'd do this - for values, I'd just focus on a grey scale block-in - if it's perspective then I'd just focus on the line drawing.