Shout Box archive

08 Jan 05:42



Pig Benis

07 Jan 09:19



Well that only took hours. Finally calibrated to the best of my non-hardware using ability.

07 Jan 06:04



I matched my colors to almost every image I see on mobile devices, printed pictures, etc. But now my whites are blown out on images that use a lot of white, and lowering the brightness gets rid of the colors I matched up. Halp =[

07 Jan 03:32



Use a hammer!

07 Jan 03:17



For the life of me I can't calibrate this monitor >.<

04 Jan 21:07



Or spam people. Leave calling cards.

04 Jan 21:01



No problem. Ah Brisbane - I see. Sketchmeets sound pretty cool - how about just make yourself a sign that says "Sketchmeet" and then turn up with it by yourself for a few weeks and see if anyone joins? Keep it footloose and carefree? Good luck with it anyway RP :).

04 Jan 20:32



I will bookmark that one though, thanks, something to work from.

04 Jan 20:31



So hardly anyone shows, and then the organisers give them the flick.

04 Jan 20:30



jA. I'm in Brissy, and the bloody organisers keep scheduling mid-week.

04 Jan 20:06



@RP: You seen these meetup thingies?

04 Jan 20:06



Good advice from Amit that works in all kinds of situations.

04 Jan 19:28



I've never been a dick.

04 Jan 14:57

Amit Dutta


Don't be a dick?

04 Jan 12:39



Doi eet

04 Jan 12:19



I would love a sketchmeet in gothenburg, sweden ... May set one up myself.

04 Jan 12:13



All the sketchmeets in my city have died (no wonder, they were always on a frickin wednesday) so i wanna start my own. Anyone have any ideas or opinions if you had the option to meet with new people and draw/sketch/paint/sculpt?

03 Jan 17:22



People post all kinds of work from studies, sketches to full portfolio pieces, fill your boots :).

03 Jan 17:21



Hi Inagada, I don't think are any hard rules about where to get started on here but I think you've got it about right with an intro and a sketchbook, welcome to the community!

03 Jan 14:39




03 Jan 14:13

Inagada Davida


Thanks man1

03 Jan 14:12



Begin your sketchbook and start interacting with all of us art folk. You don't have to make a sketchbook thread first...or at all for that matter. But if you do, you can post whatever: doodles, finished work and Work in Progress things etc etc ya know?

03 Jan 14:09



(I apologize Inagada Davida; excuse my affection)

03 Jan 13:35

Inagada Davida


Thank you very much! Went and introduced myself on the Intro thread....Now could someone tell me where I ought to go from here? Do I need post a sketchbook thread first before anything else? Does a sketchbook thread mean anything brand new I just started working on RIGHT NOW as of joining or should I post any actually fully realized paintings down there?

03 Jan 13:11



Don't go scaring all the new people off with your love now Jak.

03 Jan 11:36



What's up maaaaaan! Make yourself at home. Start a sketchbook. We already love you

03 Jan 10:24

Inagada Davida


Hello I just signed up for the first time. Hello everybody!

03 Jan 08:08



Sounds useful :)

03 Jan 06:08



A color calibration device that hangs infront of your monitor and does most of the work for you

03 Jan 04:56



@DanialG: Sorry, what's a spyder?

03 Jan 04:55



@Fedo: Thanks mate, will give some of those a go :).

03 Jan 03:08



I've been trying to calibrate my laptop to match my regular monitor but it's not working out to well haha