Shout Box archive

11 Nov 04:35



thanks, Adam

11 Nov 04:32



Last time we talked about that it was your child and someone had a nervous breakdown.

11 Nov 04:17

Adam Lina


links at the top right, Magda.

11 Nov 02:44



hi guys! does Crimson Daggers have some sort of a public discord group? I have recently started using discord and it seems like a fun way to stay motivated

11 Nov 01:44

Adam Lina


RP is just trying to say that she wants to have your babies, Muzz.

10 Nov 22:27



How's the website going Muzz?

10 Nov 22:26



Another way to check your accuracy is to draw to your hearts content. You'll know you're doing something wrong when Muzz starts to yell at you :)

10 Nov 20:38



also hey muzz long time no see

10 Nov 20:38



one simple way to check accuracy at the start is to work with a grid

10 Nov 20:38



I actually don't understand what you are trying to communicate rotten. Perhaps you could reword that?

10 Nov 16:37



It's a simple matter of beginners not being confident enough to see their progress when they do do studies. Instead they condense it down to 'that is what I want my work to be, yet this is how it looks'. Swatting down their doubts in the process is /almost/ aggressive. Guidance and helping people see their progress when accurate study is applied is more productive than swatting down what you call bad advise. It's not bad, it's just not yours

10 Nov 12:54



I'd argue that disregarding accuracy is the contentious opinion :)

10 Nov 12:13



classic muzz, always the contentious one lol

10 Nov 11:19



Lol here just batting down bad advice

10 Nov 08:43



OtherMuzz, long time no see

10 Nov 08:42




10 Nov 06:23


and if I can't reproduce the contour or shape with some level of acceptable accuracy it feels as if I'm wasting time

10 Nov 06:22


seems like every other "fundamental" of art relies on proper reproduction of what is observed by line or shape followed by implementation of a new idea

10 Nov 06:22


yeah at this point I'm very doubtful that precision is not paramount

10 Nov 04:57



Hi muzz :D long time no see

10 Nov 02:48



This is again an example of somebody arguing against advice that they should be themselves taking.

10 Nov 02:47



That is silly. The hardest part of art is training perception. beginners don't have the skill to see what is wrong. Accuracy studies are meant for that exactly

10 Nov 02:46



fedodika. NO

10 Nov 02:19



dont worry about precision, you need to learn to be loose and fix things on the fly, makes things a hell of a lot easier in the long run

10 Nov 00:33

Adam Lina


09 Nov 17:12



@RP That's perrfecct meaheuhaue I'm just a newbie anyways :D

09 Nov 16:43


i was curious about what you guys thought about approaching this from a strictly 2d copying contour approach as opposed to a block in with angles then refining into contour

09 Nov 16:42


i'm grinding accuracy right now through various series of grids from dense to sparse moving through as I get them proper over miscellaneous images

09 Nov 11:09



@Jun see you're sneaky, I don't actually know what your work looks like because you NEVER POST ANYTHING

09 Nov 00:57



Classic Piotr

09 Nov 00:32

Piotr Jasielski



09 Nov 00:29

Piotr Jasielski


oh, i'll fix that sorry