Shout Box archive

24 Oct 08:26

Amit Dutta


Next time he posts in the shoutbox or anywhere, with anything to do with troll politics...he's gone

24 Oct 08:23

Amit Dutta


the ban pendulum swings ever lower

24 Oct 08:23



Oh yeah i don't doubt that at all :)

24 Oct 08:22

Amit Dutta


Let's not give Hugh any actual primacy here. He's 99% a troll. :)

24 Oct 08:19



Hugh, I'd reccomend you just share the Okeef tapes instead of trying to persuade people via any other way, those are as damning as it gets, and if people want to disavow Hillary after that, they either will or they won't.

24 Oct 08:09

Amit Dutta


Hugh, I am giving you a chance here bud. Prove to us you are not a Trump troll, and are actually an artist. :)

24 Oct 08:07



Its the reptilians man

24 Oct 08:06

Amit Dutta


that account on dA doesn't exist anymore...or has no images on it

24 Oct 08:06

Amit Dutta


You're female Hugh?

24 Oct 07:55


this is the man who will put the crook in prison:

24 Oct 07:54


this is my most flattering portrait of CROOKED HILLARY for the aussie SJW that is sure to rear her head:

24 Oct 07:49

Amit Dutta


sweet! Looking forward to it

24 Oct 07:49



24 Oct 07:48


all right, bruh

24 Oct 07:48

Amit Dutta


Show us some stuff man :)

24 Oct 07:48



24 Oct 07:48

Amit Dutta


Are you an artist?

24 Oct 07:47


the only people who don't think crooks belong in prison are other crooks

24 Oct 07:47

Amit Dutta


Thank you, I'm sure you will convince people who think otherwise to change their minds. :)

24 Oct 07:46


just reminding folks that CROOKED HILLARY belongs in prison

24 Oct 07:46


artists vote too

24 Oct 07:44

Amit Dutta


This is an art forum, you know that right hugh? Perhaps draw out your inner frustrations.

24 Oct 07:44



24 Oct 07:43



24 Oct 07:25

Amit Dutta


Definitely check out the accuracy guide. It's great!

24 Oct 00:50



Great link Cesar - thanks :). I've heard a bit about Dorian Iten - looks like the rest of his site has some really useful stuff as well :).

23 Oct 02:03



maybe this will be useful to someone

22 Oct 19:36

Amit Dutta


Streaming with Piotr....come hang

21 Oct 21:00



Thank's for the stream everyone! Come back Sunday around 9:30 10:00am GMT for more studying and learning with me! :D

21 Oct 19:13



Hey Guys! Going live on Twitch and carrying on with the Studies!

21 Oct 12:32



Updating some stuff forums might be a little slow, or down for a couple.

21 Oct 03:55



thanks, Mariyan-Hristov (and those that helped!)